Share Your Pain Story

Tell your story of living with chronic pain, by leaving a reply at the bottom of the page. Do not mention specific medications or dosages. Stories do not appear right away.

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  1. I am 47 years young and have been disabled for over 20+ years. I have chronic pain, I am also bipolar/high anxiety/depression. I live in NJ, where it has changed drastically since CDC guidelines were changed. I have been on opioids for most of those 20+ years. I also was able to take anxiety and sleep medicine prescribed by a psychiatrist. I have had multiple surgeries, done physical therapy, nerves burned and all kinds of injections.

    About 2018 is when my whole world changed. I was taken off MS Contin for Belbuca. Taken off my Ambien and Clonezapam, because I had to choose pain over sanity. Now the meds that I still take are being tapered down because my doc said his hands are tied from the CDC, and that I may need to go somewhere else. I wish this was a dream where I would wake up. I’m trying to advocate for myself, but with no luck.

    I was recently told that palliative care might be an option for me. I’m not sure or know where to turn, but if anyone lives in NJ that can help, I would sure love to hear from you! Thank you Claudia for all that you and your team are doing 💖

  2. How in the last 15 years has “congress” taken away a MD’s right to write a script for whatever he/she decides their patient needs! It’s NOT big pharma doing this, it’s the screwballs we send to Washington, and mind you, both parties are GUILTY of this. DOCTORS! YOU TOOK AN OATH! STAND UP TO THE BASTURDS!!

  3. I’m a middle aged man with a lot of hardware inside from surgeries. When I had medication I could do some work and enjoy life a little. The doctor took it away saying I’ll get hooked – but what about being in pain, that’s okay? Now I’m in so much pain all the time I can’t do anything, and I can’t take much more. I heard other pain patients are talking about joining a class-action lawsuit against the people causing us to suffer, to stop them from denying us pain medication. They said senators, CDC, state medical boards, DEA, and maybe even the FDA would be named to be sued. I’m ready to join. Just tell me where to sign on!

  4. I have been in chronic back pain with arthritis, bone spurs, lumbar fusion, and fibromyalgia for ten years. My
    medicine – which I NEVER abused, is the ONLY thing that kept me going. Well, when the pandemic happened I had moved five hours from my pain clinic, and because I couldn’t get to the clinic for a pill count (that I NEVER missed) cause I was five hours away and quarantined, they dismissed me. I was in AGONY. Not from withdrawals but from pain. So, because the system failed me and I had always done things by the book, I bought some (of exactly what I was prescribed before) from a kid and we got caught. Now I’m on five years probation and I’m having a horrible time finding a doctor or a pain clinic to help me with my pain.

    I trusted the system and it failed me. Many others go through this. They lose their meds and turn to buying them. Taking our meds away because other people abuse them isn’t helping us! It’s making our lives less productive and we have to find them some other way!!! Give the chronic pain patients their meds!!! Any info on where to find a decent pain doctor in the KY IN TN WV OH area would be a gift from GOD for me!

  5. In 2018 I was in a car wreck that changed my life and my mental health. I wrecked my car and shattered my pelvis, broke my femur bone in two spots. I also fractured my skull with results of seizures, headaches, and I’m pretty sure I’ve had a stroke. I couldn’t walk for six months and I can’t say I would have rather been been dead than go through this. Doctors aren’t doing anything for anyone, and they still make millions of dollars. I just want relief; I know the pain will never go away.

  6. I have been suffering day and night for 17 months now with debilitating severe chronic neuropathic pain… Prescribed nothing but Gabapentin from a so called “pain doctor” which did nothing for my pain, but caused large red blotches on my arms and made me dizzy… I no longer have any quality of life… NO doctor would allow one of his own family members to suffer in this way… This has nothing to do with addiction or an opioid crisis as thousands are dying from finding other means to illegally acquire drugs to help them while others are committing suicide because they can no longer deal with this inhumane treatment forced upon them and their doctors made fearful of sanctions… And no one gives a damn about these deaths due to corrupt government who claim their intent is to save lives! ABSOLUTE bullshigity!!

  7. Im a 61 year old Certified Master Mechanic, I fell from a crane and they continue to IGNORE MY PAIN, I’ve been through 8 surgeries, I’ve been to Texas Back Institute, I’ve been through more nightmares then people have regular dreams, I’ve been through more doctors, I’ve had the police called on me, I’ve been through so much of a nightmare after the fall. I wish I would have died in the fall because ufn people are unreal and I mean unrealistic. You expect a human to bounce like a rubber ball, get right back up, dust yourself off and you’re just fine. You don’t need any help from planet Earth or anything. Get with the program. People are human, we need extra help, like medicines that have been around for hundreds of years. Wake the devil up people, get the DEA out of healthcare, they don’t belong there.

    I’m so sick and tired of going in circles with doctors I hate their guts. All doctors are cowards. I cannot stand their gut I had a real doctor for years, Dr. Byron Schofield, he passed away in 2018. I’ve had more Suboxone ball junk thrown at me, which is not even meant for pain, and all I do is keep going in circles and circles and circles. I’m so sick of it, I could take my life a thousand times by now, but you idiots would not wake up from it. You really need to get hurt yourself and find out what the devil you prescribe yourself, and then maybe this nightmare will change. Get REAL.

  8. I’m 60 years old and been on pain meds for 15 years, taking 6 a day. Then Covid caused my doctor to quit and started seeing a nurse practitioner who said I need to get off of them! She never looked at my MRI because she said I didn’t have one on file, which I did. I was fortunate enough to find another doctor who only gives 4 a day which is generous, but they only want to try injections (which doesn’t work for diabetics), symboxa and now methadone! versus just increasing my original back to 6 a day, which at least got me out of bed.

    This is tearing me and my family apart! I dread going to bed because I hurt all night, or waking up to face the same pain again.

  9. I was in a car versus semi accident in my early 20’s. The pain never did go away, and over the years got progressively worse. In 2015, I got into healthcare because I wanted to help people. I became a CNA to make sure I wanted to actually be in this field. Working in a severely understaffed SNF, my pain got so bad that I had to quit my job. Later that year, I had the first of two surgeries on my neck. Metal plates, fusions and clearing the cervical nerve channels did not help much. The second surgery helped even less. I had been on Oxycodone from 2014 until late 2020 when the pain clinic doctor suddenly stopped my prescription. I was put on Buprenorphine instead. It doesn’t even come close to helping with pain, and the increase in dosage has left me not wanting to take it at all due to side effects. I never abused opioids and hate taking any medication in general, but that made no difference to the doctor. Now, like many with chronic pain and no relief in sight for help with it… I find that each day, it becomes harder and harder to find the will to continue living. I have absolutely no quality of life. The only reason I am still around is my significant other. I don’t want to cause her the emotional damage that suicide can cause. But each day it is a struggle to want to live with the hell of endless pain and no normal life. I absolutely hate the AG in my state for his part in causing the suffering of innocent people.

  10. My rheumatologist referred me to pain management after 20-plus years. He’s a good doctor but felt pressured by the DEA. My first appointment to the pain doctor was a nightmare. He told me he could not treat my pain because that would mean “handfuls” of pills. He instead said he wanted to install a pain pump. I have severe RA, fibromyalgia, Lyme’s disease, and neuropathy. I’ve had several joint replacements over the years as well. He did a drug screen that he said I failed which is impossible. He wrote me a week’s worth of lower dosage medication. I let him do injections in my knee otherwise I would have gotten NOTHING! I left there in tears. He cancelled my next appointment and I haven’t been back!

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