Share Your Pain Story

Tell your story of living with chronic pain, by leaving a reply at the bottom of the page. Do not mention specific medications or dosages. Stories do not appear right away.

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  1. This under prescribing needs to stop. Some people on long term opioid therapy develop a tolerance and need to be increased not decreased. We need to speak to our congressman and demand fair treatment.

  2. Without pain medication, I could not funtion at all. A surgeon permanently damaged a nerve root in my neck… woke up in level nine pain. I was 50 years old and had never taken pain medication. I even detoxed once only to find the pain was till there and literally unbearable. Some kinds of pain take away your entire life. I have a family, children, grandchildren. I have done brain re-wiring for pain, and deep meditation, as well as other modalities. I am not an addict and for some fortunate reason have never needed to up my dose. Most of the time I am still in bed due to neck immobility, now at 65. Many people would rather take their own lives than live with unbearable pain. Many of the same people function well and do not abuse their pain meds. A good doctor should be able to discern those who abuse and those who really must have it. It should NEVER be the suffering patient who pays the price for this epidemic. NEVER

  3. I couldn’t agree more with either one of you! I have been in chronic pain for 20 years. I have been on opioids for most of that time. My pain has spread to other area of my body. I’m to the point that I can’t stand it. However my dosage has never changed. I’m in desperate need of help.

  4. Hi My name is Deborah Molitor. I am 56 years old and have had more surgeries than my age … and I have had 46 surgeries and over 300 Spinals and I can barely stand for 3 minutes. I wake up in excruciating Pain and go to bed the same way. I have had 28 LP shunts and 9 VP shunts. A few Doctors have told me I am in Hypertensive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Hypertension, and my diaphragm is 75% paralyzed. They were helping with the god-awful Pain until the CDC guidelines and just recently they put me on hospice care, and 3 weeks later they switched it to palliative care. I went to see a pain doc and I told him the red x my chart cuz of all the injections and he said to me oh shit that puts him in a hard place and he cut me off. No injections, no meds.

    I have the scans of my neck and back and most doctors say I am lucky to walk 3 feet. I’m writing to you in hopes someone reads my story cuz there is a lot more to tell. I’m just weak and now on palliative care. Please help us all.

  5. I have been living with Chronic Pain for at least 20 years. Have had 2 lower back surgeries with BAK rods implanted, broke my neck, have a fusion and plate, and now they want to do another surgery as another disk is herniated. Can’t have any more surgerys as I have Emphysema, 1 lung partially collapsed and 1 side of heart no longer pumping – doctor has said I won’t make it through surgery. I have Scheuermann’s Kyphosis in my spine, Thoracic area spine is collapsed and twisted. Need a new back brace. I now go to a pain clinic for my meds, get injections that don’t work, meds that don’t work. No life, just existing.

  6. I have had two spinal fusions and a broken L2. Fused from L2 to S1. Chronic sciatic pain in both legs. I live in constant pain. The pain management doctor I had left the state and I was left to find a new doctor. The only one I could find isn’t as good as my old one. The government needs to stay out of this. They have taken away all our rights as a patient. We suffer because of wrongdoings of others. Please this has to stop. Our quality of life has been taken away.

  7. I’m going to the rally on October 7th. I’m going to be wheeled out from my handicapped van. I’ll have several helpers to make this happen. I’m not going to show a fake smile trying to hide my pain. I’ll show how I really feel every day so my suffering can be seen. I want to represent the people who can’t be there to show the suffering pain patients are enduring and the ones who couldn’t endure any longer. The treatment pain patients are living and dying with is inhumane. The real doctors wanting to take care of the ill is not a crime. The government creating legislation and programs not in the best interests of the people and harming them is a crime.

  8. I had my first appt with my new pain doc. I was out of the US for 7 years, and my how things have changed. Came back to the States, after being in pain management in another country, and I’m ready to go back already. No meds, wants to do injections, and MAYBE down the line some med therapy. Been cut off cold. I have no idea how they can do that, and why legislators are deciding what’s best for peoples’ treatments.

  9. I have chronic migraines and receive a very small number of pain killers per month to take as needed. Half the time, they are sufficient. The other half they are not, and I cannot function: I vomit, I can’t see, the pain is searing, and I have to miss work. My neurologist flat out said she is AFRAID to give me a few more despite my being on them for six years (and on a benzodiazepine for 12 years) with zero issues or dose increases. I don’t drink or smoke. I just want to be able to control my pain and function more of the time. I’m truly sorry that pain killers have harmed so many people, but I am not one of them and resent being punished for the difficulties of others.

  10. I had a knee replacement done and the doctor left medical gauze in it. It was in there for a year and it got HORRIBLY infected. It took over 30 surgeries to fix and ultimately had to be cut off. Needless to say A LOT OF PAIN is involved. The bone is shaped like a knife at the end which is poking into my bone and causing neuroma problems. I am always treated like a person who uses pain meds for fun when I have real pain!!! We shouldn’t be punished for the people who do misuse them!!!

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