Share Your Pain Story

Tell your story of living with chronic pain, by leaving a reply at the bottom of the page. Do not mention specific medications or dosages. Stories do not appear right away.

1,000 Replies to “Share Your Pain Story”

  1. I have intermittent nerve pain because of lumbar disc compression. Have never taken pain pills except on the days of nerve pain flare ups. Drs no longer want to prescribe even as few as 30 pills over six months just to cover the flare ups. Have never abused them. Seems crazy that because of abusers real pain cannot be treated.

  2. Been suffering from chronic pain for 4years. No insurance and can’t wk due to pain but now my dr can’t prescribe me anything because of laws changing. I can’t afford to go to pain mgmt. So I have to suffer, when i did nothing wrong and neither has my dr. I tried to commit suicide so now i have to see therapist at county life help center. The new law has really hurt someone like me, I am poor so I have to suffer. It’s not fair, I wkd my whole life I’m 53 and can’t take pain any longer.

  3. I have 2 herniated discs 2 pinched nerves and 2 bulging discs all are separate discs plus I’ve got arthritis through out my entire body I’ve also got shoulder pain in both shoulders without my pain medication I would be in agony therefore I wouldn’t be able to live anything close to a normal life as it is with my medications there’s times when I can do somethings like go out I’m just not sure what I would do if the government took my medication away the options open to me are not something I want to contemplate

  4. Pain has become a way of life . Doctors seem afraid to help . Telling someone to do yoga that can’t stand up because their feet and legs hurt so bad makes them sound like idiots. One doctor wrote on my paper work that I was bipolar and in a manic phase because I was so mad about the lack of treatment. I have Had Lupus since 1988. With that comes chronic fatigue. Manic phase? I wish !!!! It would be nice to have some energy! But now it’s in my records that I’m bipolar and I’ve never been diagnosed with that! I’m tired of hearing about the opioid crisis. They created it . The crisis we have is getting proper health care. I’ve been in pain for years, I’m not a baby, I deal with pain every day. When it gets worse what am I supposed to do? You can’t get pain meds because that would make you an addict . The pain management clinic said they can’t treat Lupus. I just fell and broke my arm. I can’t get to see the orthopedic doctor for a week so the emergency room gave me 14 pain pills. So 8 days with a broken arm with 14 pills ? And the sad part is they will probably give me a pee test to make sure I didn’t sell them .

  5. My 74 year old dad died on 3/4/19 from a massive heart attack just 34 days after his doctor was raided by the DEA. My dad was an otherwise health man with the exception of severe arthritis in his back, knees and shoulders. He had no other health issues and was not on any medications other than four pain pills per day. He worked until he was 72 years old at which time he became semi-retired. With his medication, he was able to tend his yard and spend quality time with his family. Everything change on 1/29/2019; he was in excruciating pain, he wasn’t dressing daily, spent and great deal of time in bed and rarely left the house. It took three weeks to obtain his medical records from the DEA and on 3/4/19; my mom was driving him to the hospital for an MRI in hopes of finding him a new doctor when he had the heart attack. She had him at the ER within minutes; however the staffs hour long efforts were unable to save him. My family and I are convinced that the abrupt denial of his medication resulting in undo stress and excruciating pain are the cause of his death.

    My husband continues to suffer from chronic pain due to arthritis in his back, degenerative disc disease and disc herniation. We continue to seek care for him. His quality of life is poor and it pains me to see him suffer.

  6. I just turned 60 and have worked most of my life. I have mostly worked in someway as a Caregiver ie worked with special needs children, school bus driver, childcare and elderly and have loved it and i was good at it. A few years ago i could no longer fake it and hide the pain. I have a severe scoliosis as well as having my tailbone crushed. I am a cancer survivor and have had chronic pain for years. I started on opiates about 8 years ago. Now i have to see my primary every 3 months and answer a 4 page questionnaire and do a pee test. I am about to loose my insurance and will have to get another plan as well as medicare. I am scared to death that i will not be abled to get my prescriptions. I have never asked my dr for more never said i lost them never have tried anything to falsify my medical condition but really am scared.

  7. My personal story X a million others it’s not important.
    There is only one solution, you must start some serious lawsuits to make someone accountable for the war on patients. Until there is a 10 billion dollar class action lawsuit for denial of medication nothing will happen. Charge everyone and see what sticks, doctors politicians city’s state federal governments etc. when a giant lawsuit gets filled they have to start setting aside money for a potential loss, nothing else will get attention or get the war stopped.
    Start taking donations and hiring attorneys it’s how our system works.

  8. I am almost in tears! Finally God has answered my prayers, someone is finally hearing those if us who in order to live have to take OPIODS! Claudia Merandi and the Don’t Points Pain Movement is literally God sent! I was diagnosed with Cervical cancer cells in 2004 and had a complete hysterectomy! 2008 I was rushed to the hospital and given an emergency surgery because of severe stomach pain and was then diagnosed with something that I knew nothing about, Adhesions! After the removal of them and 3 hernias I thought I was ok but then my stomach started hurting again but this time never ending and found a Dr who then let me know that once you get Adhesions there is no cure unless you get another surgery to remove then and then they ALWAYS come back but worse! Adhesions mean my intestines are glued together! I cannot live a normal life and would be literally bedridden without Norcos! I still have yrs of the ability to work left in me but unless I have pain medication I’m bedridden! I’ve had to leave school out of town because I didn’t have the capacity to stay because I couldn’t get pain meds! I can’t go far from home for long, can’t work long unless I have pain meds! My son and family is suffering! CVS, Rite Aid pharmacies treat me like a drug addict when I go to have a prescription filled when I was able to get them! Drs treat me like a drug addict when I cry out for help! I don’t understand why they don’t understand that Adhesions mean chronic pain, Duh! I have gone from local Drs and pain management clinics to University of Michigan and the Drs at University of Michigan treated me so horrible that I was in tears when I left! I know of one story where a Man suffering from a chronic illness has a gun in his house that his wife and daughter didn’t know of so that when the day came that he couldn’t stand that pain he was suffering from became so unbearable that he was going to take his life! Ppl I know are resorting to buying pills off the street in order to function and live normal lives but that even comes with a price! I know of someone personally who has been homeless for going on 4 yrs and drives a beat up car because she has to spend ALL her money on medication so she can live a somewhat normal life! She had to resort to back alleys and dark houses to buy pills so she won’t be bedridden! It’s horrible! I have written to major networks and talked to anyone who would listen to no avail, they don’t understand the extent of our suffering, it’s hard to explain and Drs think it’s all in your head or don’t want to go to jail! We look normal in the outside while our bodies are wracked with pain 24/7! I know there is a God because of the Don’t punish the Pain movement! I am in 2 support groups on FB and sometimes the stories are so depressing for me to even read! There are 2 sides to every story and our side was being so grossly neglected until now! I would love to volunteer for anything needed one the State of Michigan to help out our cause!

  9. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Before committing to a doctor, I told a particular doctor I had a really low pain threshold. I was assured I wouldn’t be allowed “to be in too much pain.” After the surgery, I told the nurse I was at pain level 7 out of 10 on Friday. It got worse that night, and I was discharged on Saturday. Sunday morning I was experiencing suicide level pain, and called for help. I was told, “Dr. Auge doesn’t like to give a lot of pain medication.” I don’t know how I made it through the next few days. I expect in May this “Dr.” will tell me I need more surgery, which I probably do. It will be a real effort not to smash in his face.

    I really feel for those of you with chronic pain who can’t get relief. Mine was horrible.
    Fortunately it only lasted 10 days. But after being assured I wouldn’t be in “too much pain” I’m really angry. It’s seems there is now a cult of pain. Doctors don’t care how much you suffer, as long as they meet their numbers. It’s almost like they consider us a video game.

  10. I’ve been living in constant pain for 17 years. I had a partial knee replacement that failed, and
    then my other knee began to have problems. Surgery wasn’t an option for either knee for various reasons, so I came to be dependent upon prescription pain medication in order to function in my daily life.
    I am an older person, and I run a business from my home. I’ve tried many alternative methods of pain control, attended a weekly pain group for a couple of years, and follow all advice from my physician.
    Ever since this current war on opiates started, my life and my pain have spiraled out of control. Every time I try and get a prescription filled – at the same pharmacy I’ve been using all these years – there’s some reason it can’t be filled! They don’t have any in stock, my insurance won’t cover it this time (?), I suddenly need prior authorization, etc., etc., etc.
    And now my doctor is being investigated!! The most caring, diligent, intelligent and responsible
    person I think I’ve ever met. She always offers ideas for lowering my dosage, as well as being an advocate for me and making sure I’m not suffering.
    This opiate war is politically motivated. The outcome is that people who honestly need them for alleviating their pain are becoming so desperate that they’re contemplating suicide. I’ve thought about it. If my doctor loses her medical license or has to close her practice because of the administrative burden the DEA and the CDC are placing on her, I don’t know what will happen.
    All I know is that the bigger crime would be for our community to lose a wonderful physician.
    And for my family and friends to lose me.

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