Share Your Pain Story

Tell your story of living with chronic pain, by leaving a reply at the bottom of the page. Do not mention specific medications or dosages. Stories do not appear right away.

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  1. I am a 50 yr old man that has been living with horrible pain in a number of places throughout my body. I have had 2 surgeries on my left shoulder witch has done absolutely nothing. I decided to go to Boston hospital for another opinion, because the Dr’s whe did my surgeries began implying that I was making it up. I went to physical theropy after both surgeries for months. It made my pain where I couldn’t move for 2 days after. My Doctor in Boston advised me that I need 2 replacement shoulders, but they wont replace till i’m 55 yrs old. I also need my C spine 4 thru 7 fused, but my primary, ortho, and nuro surgen advised me to hold out as long as I possibly can because its not guaranteed to fix the problem and could make it worse. Both knees are full of authritis. Stand from a sitting or laying position is a nightmare. My lower back into my right hip and down my leg would make most people cry. I’ve been given 5 or 6 shots, one time was through ultrasound so it’s in the right place. Those shots are absolutely usless. Ice nor heat will help at all on my shoulders, neck or lower back. I was given time release meds, and breakthrough meds by my Primary, which let me get up and have a somewhat productive life. Because of all the scare tactics from some senitor that is on the other side of the country, my primary sent me to Pain Mng. Within 2 months my time release meds were cut, and then my breakthrough meds were canceled all together. Now I’m pretty much couch ridden for most of the day. Trying to get the little things done, clothes, dishes, vaccumming, puts me out of commition for the rest of the day and sometimes runs into the second day. To all the people who don’t live with pain, you will never know how the pain meds are needed to have some kind of usefull life. To group chronic pain suffers with someone who sticks a needle in their arm to get high, just isn’t right nor fair. I didn’t do this to myself, so don’t make me feel like i’m a junky because I want some kind of life back, which the right amount of meds does. It’s time for Doctors to stand up and grow some balls and fight for your patient.

  2. I had back survey in 1997, at the age of 37, pain was in spinal area, 3 herniated disc s, and severe leg pain, the surgery did not help. Now I am 60, I live in pain 24/7, note severe pain, back and leg, they will not do a second surgery, due to will not work!!! I have spent to much time in bed suffering!!!! The pain is so bad, tears come to my eyes. I can hardly walk, so I stay in house!!!! Please do not treat us like drug addict s, I as well as other need to change this now!!!! Let’s face it if it was a politician s family member, I know they would not be suffering. Shame on you people, that make our lives hell. Sincerely USA citizen

  3. I have been on pain meds for 15 years. My pain manager dr’s office was raided about 2 months ago. I had enough pain meds to get me through until he was back in his office a month later. He now cannot prescribe that medication. He has instructed me to take 1/2 my dosage I was on until I run out . I now am in so much pain I can not function. My blood pressure has shot up. Just not doing good at all. Guess when I run
    Out here in a few days I will no longer be able to hang on. Only God knows what will happen then.

  4. I’m 44 years old and for over 12 years have suffered with ” chronic pelvic pain”, I’m using quotations because it has taken 13 years for a diagnosis including endometriosis and adenomyosis. At first I suffered with unbearable pain during my never ending monthly cycle then over the last year the pain has been constant. It has ruined my quality of life, I’ve had to take unpaid medical leaves from work, miss my children’s birthdays and celebrations, holidays with family. The pain most times is excruciating and leaves me in tears with vomiting spells and bed ridden. If I go to the Er they only manage the pain for a few hours and send me on my way, no scripts for home. My gyn refuses to give me any pain meds even though they know I take roughly 6,000 mg of Tylenol and 2,400 mg of Motrin a day. As long as my liver is ok in my labs right then they are ok with it! Thats insanity to me. I need help managing my pain I’ve suffered long enough. What I don’t need is judgement based on someone else’s inability to control their addictive behavior. I’m at my wits end with this chronic pain. There are so many women like me who suffer with this awful disease, I hear their stories every day. There are literally millions of us getting no pain management. Do we not have the right to medicine that can give us life back?!

  5. Hello,

    I am a chronic pain sufferer, and have been for over 30 years. I have a spinal deformity, and automobile accidents have exacerbated it. I have wide-spread pain, spastic muscles, joint pain and swelling, arthritis, my spine is fusing, fibromyalgia, my life is pain every day. All day.

    Living your life in pain is exhausting. The side-eye we get from people that are fortunate enough to not be in our situation is hurtful and depressing. The snide remarks are ignorant and definitely don’t help our mental states.

    I am not a drug addict, and never have been. I’m not shaking on a street corner searching frantically for a fix. It’s unfair and misleading to sweep chronic pain patients into the same category as drug abusers. It’s abhorrent someone that has never met me or lived in my body can decide my suffering isn’t valid and that deep breaths will make my broken bone stop hurting.

    Chronic pain sufferers need your compassion and grace, not judgement and arbitrary denial of pain management. I have a small prescription of the lowest-dose pain med possible. It took years for me to get it. It has improved my quality of life exponentially. I can turn my head, I can lift my arm, I can lean over. The pain still exists, but is much more tolerable.

    My medication allows me to work with less pain, which in turn raises productivity. Having my medicine withheld would be prohibitive to my self-suffciency and quality of life. Sentencing a person to pain is cruel, especially when it is controllable. People are dying due this false “opioid epidemic.” They are choosing death over the agony they endure. This is unnacceptable and completely avoidable.

    Thank you for listening.

  6. I have a chronic condition called endometriosis. There is NO cure for it. Had a hysterectomy and it grew back, plus scar adhesions. My doctor said I was caked with scar adhesions all over my bowels, intestines, bladder….pretty much every organ in my abdomen. They will not go back in to remove it because it will cause more damage to my bowels and I will end up with a colostomy bag. I am 45 years old and a colostomy bag would be horrible. All there is to do right now is manage my pain, because as I said, there is NO cure. Well after years of being on meds that actually gave me quality of life, I was taken off them. My pain doctor (who I was with for 6 years) decided that after 6 years he was “no longer comfortable treating me” For 6 years with this doctor I took piss tests (and never failed), never abused them, never called in for early scripts etc. I did EVERYTHING I was supposed to. I am on disability for my condition because I have proof/documentation and it is really not fair, or ethical for people like me to suffer and go without because of the “epidemic” I have not had pain meds since August and now I sit home all day almost everyday because of the pain. I can no longer exercise, do basic housework or have any kind of social life. I usually can’t even drive myself to appointments. Why are we being punished ? Is the plan? For the government to make us all suffer? Chronic pain sufferers will start killing themselves because we can’t get any relief! I can’t believe that any human with a heart would want us to suffer. Maybe these people who are making these laws don’t care because it’s not them suffering.

  7. 1984 began my battle to have a functional life with chronic pain.
    I am a recipient of failed medical implants that fragmented inside my body which began the spiraling health and pain issues in a Giant Cell Response to Teflon and Silastic exposure .
    Chronic Pain and muscle spasms that first was all in my head, face and ears traveled to widespread pain.
    I was diagnosed with TMJ Disease, Arthritis, Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, Spinal Stenosis, Ruptured Cervical and Spinal Disease, Cervical Fusion, Giant Cell Response, and recently an Ischemic Stroke.

    My pain had been managed well for 30 years with opioid. In 2014 I decided to taper down with my pain management doctor monitoring. I wanted to know where my pain was at, it haf been so long on pain medication. I took a 4 year hiatus using only aspirin and cannabis to manage my pain.
    October 2018 I had a stroke, now my preexisting pain has exacerbated and I have new nerve pain from the stroke.
    I keep being advised to take Tylenol and offered Gabapentin which I am not able to tolerate the side effects.
    Although I obviously don’t have an addiction problem and for 30 years never violated the trust between myself and my physicians I am battling the prejudiced medical community that’s threatened by the US government.

  8. Once upon a time there was a girl named Michelle who was full of life, thriving, living, drive a corvette with the top down, she had a husband and a daughter. When she was 23 she had been diagnosed with RSD, starting in her hand moved to her whole right side. Though the years Michelle has also a myriad of health problems, in 94 she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Ashlee, she also suffered from chronic pain, in 2017 at 23 this young girl commited SUICIDE because her pain was so bad physically and mentally she saw no other way out. Now I Michelle live in bed with minimal meds to get me through the day. I dont want to die I want to thrive!! I want to take care of my husband, I do not want to be a cranky person. I hate this pain that has taken over my whole right side and has now progressed to my left hand up to my elbow. Ive done every procedure known to man. I am so tierd of the Government being my doctor, my Doctor is worn out, hes the best but I can see it in his eyes, he can see it in my eyes. We both are overwhelmed by restrictions by the Government.
    Help Help

  9. My personal pain begain when a aluminum canoe was dropped on my head by accident. The person was attempting to remove the canoe by himself and I was right there. I’ve had migraines ever since. That was 40 years ago. Depending on how you look at it, I’m either very lucky or unlucky. I’m a glass half full kind of person. I’ve been hit several times by driver’s under influence. The worst event was when I sent to a conference in China. My business trip included 5 flights inside China and one of the flight never arrived because the Russian made plane crashed. I broke nearly every bone from head to foot. My skill, bi level in my neck, my entire spine, sacrum which shattered and my tailbone. Both knees and both feet. Unfortunately I inheirted, DDD, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, spondylosis, scoliosis, my spine and feet have legitimate bone spurs, I’m hypothyroid, and I have arachnoid scarring on my brain from far too many migraines.
    I could list other health problems but, that’s enough for today. I should mention, my husband has survived the first Spinal cord injury and surgery of its kind ever in world history. He lives with daily pain and we’re very worried about him as well. Both my sons had Childhood cancers. I am very concerned about these bad opioid laws.

  10. I’m a Disabled Veteran with a spinal injury that could have only happened in the military. The result is half of my left leg paralyzed due to the signals being knocked out of phase and scrambled, not blocked. EMG proved it. My brain interprets half the signals from my leg as chaotic and out of phase – BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA much like a baseball bat slamming half my left leg. It is getting worse with age and have lost my livelihood over it. In the process of losing everything. Now I’m losing the only thing that keeps the BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA bearable.

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