Share Your Pain Story

Tell your story of living with chronic pain, by leaving a reply at the bottom of the page. Do not mention specific medications or dosages. Stories do not appear right away.

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  1. I am a severe ra pain patient.. I am looking for numbers to contact people who can help us…My name is Bob…I just cant fathom living without pain med help…never broke agreements with dr..suffered to find my current dr that actually helped me now a year later..i cant live like this ra has deformed my feet..knees,,in my neck..hips..elbows..hands are deformed..have had consistent 15x times normal inflammation in my body..and get told we are cutting meds…This is not Russia..How do we deny people normal amounts of effective pain med help and just let them suffer? Im lost…just want numbers to contact people that can truly listen and fight for legitimate person that needs his pain meds to even move…Thank You..

  2. 90 MMEs? If we were actually serious about saving lives using this logic, then doctors would be required “by law” to make people sign sobriety management contracts before prescribing their drug of choice. No one is allowed more than ten ounces of 80-proof booze per day. The limit for 90-proof is eight ounces. “Any person cannot possibly be more nor less affected by alcohol than the next person; body size and weight makes no difference.”

    Doctors would be required to impose limits on prescriptions for nicotine and other addictive drugs that are proven to be bad for the body. “No one is allowed more than six cigarette-equivalents per day. Cigars are limited to three. Electronic cigs and vaping can get away with ten. Cannabis joints are only twelve.”

    Looking at it another way, “No person with diabetes needs more nor less insulin than any other. Everyone’s blood sugar chemistry is the same.”

    90 MMEs is ridiculous, and betrays an agenda that disregards medical thinking.

  3. I have had two spinal fusions due to spondylolisthesis, lumbar 3-5 and cervical 5-7. Pain free for 7 years with lumbar surgery working as RN. When pain returned, injections etc. Valtoren, nothing until I asked to have something that actually works. Was ok with the meds given, could work a difficult job. Then new primary in 2018 in same group gave 3 options: taper off, see a surgeon or go to pain MGMT in same group. Redid all imaging, consulted with pain mgmnt who seemed understanding, but refused to treat with meds, recommended surgeon, injections which he admitted had 50-50 success rate. Recommended I ask primary again for the med continuance. So no success. I was lowered from 20 mme daily (60 tabs monthly) to 50 tabs monthly with no tapering plan! Did that for several months and then went to a different pain mgmnt after being fearful of my on the job pain which caused me to retire early. From a great job! This MD office posts they will not prescribe more than 60 mme, however is trying to be able to help those of us who are exercising and trying other means of keeping healthy and of course playing by the rules. Although I have kept my dose low, I feel discriminated against because my body experiences pain. The stigma is real. My last visit I was askedbif I had tried anything else such as yoga or chiropractor. I said no, but got a clue this was a required line of inquiry. I will be smarter with my answers next visit!. The hospital system where I was an RN is trying to be on the cutting edge of this epidemic I was told, which is no narcotic prescriptions. I had to go elsewhere for treatment. My primary care MD said “I don’t think you’re abusing 20 mme of pain meds”, but this is what he must do per the new regulations, meaning his employer I think. My new MD said “you’re not doing anything wrong”. I said “well I am made to feel like I am”. But I am an RN. I can play the “game” while reading between the lines. It is, to say the least, humiliating. That’s the highlights, but our country is the best. We must do better than this to treat honest people in pain. They have no problem cutting us open; big business for doc’s and hospitals. But no treatment for pain? Something very wrong with this thinking. Thanks.

  4. I was shocked to learn that I could no longer get medication for my Poly Osteoarthritis. To deny everyone the pain meds they need because some choose to get high off the meds is absolutely unfair, and depressing. To know that your pain can be adequately managed and yet not because of others abuse is senseless. Nearly anything can be abused, if you are so inclined.
    I have some of my pain meds that are out of date for over a year. Recently while suffering Lumbar Stenosis and needing and receiving spinal injections, I asked about my out of date considered to banned, the PA said nothing, so whenever my pain is unbearable and persistent I take one for relief. To to take away needed relief is inhumane for the many that need these meds . Regulate, track , do what you need but stop full stop denial of any use.

  5. I am being cut down on my med to meet the CDC guidelines a Iam in pain management and do not want to have surgery

  6. Hi I am Dianna. My story begins at the age of 14. In gyme I hurt my back. Since then I have gone through therapy and traction and many different pain meds. Arthritis has set in now for several years and I also have fibromyalgia. I don’t wish this on anyone. There’s a lot more to this story but not enough room.

  7. Hi, I’m Debra a 55 year old chronic pain patients undertreated. I’ve endured 13 stomach surgeries, 3 knee surgeries and I have compression fractures up and down my spine along with herniated discs. In 2012 I started pain management . At first and for 5 years the dose my doctor gives worked. If I had breakthrough pain I would lay down or use heat and ice. Yet over the last 2 years my body as acclimated to the dose given this greater breakthrough pain. When I asked my doctor if he could prescribe something additional or different to go along with what I take now, I learned of the CDC guidelines. I was shocked that a entity that had never seen my MRIs or seen me physically could tell my physician what or how he could treat me. It truly floored me. I go to a physician that my state has licensed as “qualified” to treat yet now the CDC stops him from treating me? Then I started to learn more. Reason TV did a piece showing that the CDC grouped illegal drugs in with prescription overdose deaths to inflate the numbers. Why? The only rationale I could come up with is that the CDC wants chronic pain patients to die. Anyone that lives with constant pain, knows well that no amount of aspirin, Tylenol or Motrin can relieve the type of pain we suffer. Yet we are prejudged without due process that we are not capable of taking our medications responsiblely. We are prejudged without due process that we are going to take medication for a “high”. Yet the CDC well knows that if you have severe pain and take opioids that a “high” isn’t possible. They know how the brain works. They know we only get pain relief from opioid. Yet they became our “shadow doctors, shadow investigator “, to control our conditions. If I went and interfere with their physician on their insulin, heart medication, I would be arrested or sued for violating their constitutional rights. Yet are they not violating ours? I’ve never been a conspiracy theorists, but I truly believe it’s a attempt on our lives. I know it surely is on our quality of life. Where are our attorneys to help us? Where are our Congress, or Senate? We are expendable rubbish on their fake opioid crisis. Fake? Has to be for the CDC to pad the numbers. Yet the deaths still go up. Yet where’s the death figures on chronic pain patients committing suicide? I’m sure there’s no programs or grants to be had for that. Yet the “inflated crisis” has done 0 to stop the deaths. Why? Because the deaths are not coming from chronic pain patients. They are coming from where they always have, street drugs. Yet alcohol kills more people, tobacco does. Where is the limit on the sales of those? This needs to stop. We have a right to be treated by our doctors. Our doctors have the right to treat us. After all, the same entity that determined that education level needed to be a licensed physician is now questioning these physicians judgement? We need a class action suit to stop the violation of our civil rights.

  8. I have been a Chronic Pain Patient for years due to Being pushed out a story window, My Spine is a mess, I have RODS From the Top of TSPINE ALL THE WAY DOWN LSPINE! Also I suffer Acute Chronic Pancreatitis. WHAT is wrong with our Country doing this to us, They have no clue how much we suffer…

  9. I would love to attend the rallys as I’m certain many would if we had not been abandoned by our doctors and cut off our medication. I did have most of my life back. I’ve always been active and enjoy being physically productive. That I am accomplishing things. Now I’m bedridden; but I do a lot of research and one area that puzzles me is that I am not aware off any lawsuit against the DEA. They are violating their sole purpose of controlling illegal drugs. I’m also certain they are violating HIPAA as I found my own doctor had my records which I never signed any release. Is there a class-action suit being pursued?

  10. To Whom It May Concern,
    I have been on my medication for over 4 years, and have not had a problem taking this medication at all. I have had over 30 operation, and need 3 more; I do not want some of these operation. I just want to live a some what normal life, and be able to do thing with my family. If I do not take my medications I am not able to walk that good, and am in Constance pain, I am on O.W,C,P,; and all of a sudden they switch over to a company called FirstScript to take care of my prescriptions, now I am having a very difficult time getting my medication. My doctor is writing a letter to O.W.C.P., and FirstScript explaining that I do not abuse my medication, and also take it as prescribed. I have a high tolerant from all the operations I have had, and still need more operations. But as long as I can have a somewhat normal life with the medication I am taking, I do not want more operation, unless the pain gets to bad. I am a 62 years old man, and I am living a life that I can do things together with my family. I also have been on pain medication since 1974. I have also been force to leave my job, even through it was work related injury – and I did not want to stop working, I have been working for this company for over 34 years.

    Sincerely V/R,

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