Share Your Pain Story

Tell your story of living with chronic pain, by leaving a reply at the bottom of the page. Do not mention specific medications or dosages. Stories do not appear right away.

1,000 Replies to “Share Your Pain Story”

  1. I am a 350 pound diabetic with neuropathy, and about 40 other disabling conditions. Every day is a struggle with its attendant and horrific pain. So often these days I hear the ignorant party line PC voice that has been so, so hurtful to the American citizenry for the last 100 years since the wealthy
    millionaire Vanderbilt family started rabble rousing via yellow journalism against the poor first generation Chinese immigrants and their opium dens. Back pre WWI all opioids were over the counter. They were the active ingredient in a significant number of patent medicines that everyone used. The world back then was not going to hell. Did you know that in the early 1900s you could buy heroin in pharmacies? For loose change? Did you know that people used to pour heroin creamer into their teas? Did you know that most of these people were considered normal? That they apparently held jobs and were no more dysfunctional than anyone else? Hatred and racism fueled the movement against their usage. Just as hatred and racism against Mexicans would tar and feather marijuana usage thirty years later. Just as hatred and politics against the counter culture caused legislation against the psychedelics beginning in 1966 by the anti christ Regan the anti visionary. If you truly care about helping your fellow citizens, please get educated. Recent research shows only a fraction of those who use narcotics, even serious narcotics, end up addicted. Most users can walk away from drugs, and, it goes without saying, alcohol with no struggle at all. The story of a drug war gone horribly wrong is wonderfully told in Johann Hari’s, Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs (2016). Hari traveled the world, asking questions about why we criminalize drug use, whether drug use is an incurable illness, how users should be treated, whether legalization makes sense. Among the facts he reports: The United States imprisons more people for narcotics related offenses than does Western Europe for all offenses combined. Outbreaks of drug addition historically occur during periods of great social dislocation – think gin-soaked slums in the Industrial Revolution, or heroin-addled troops in Vietnam. The most persuasive anecdote in the book reflects work done with rats and cocaine. When rats are left alone in a cage, they return repetitively, and often fatally, to a cocaine-laced bottle of water. But place that same bottle of water in a cage in which there are plenty of other rats, and plenty for the rats to do, and most rats ignore the cocaine altogether. In other words, drug use may have more to do with opportunities for meaningful social engagement than drug warriors want to admit. The arguments Hari raises won’t persuade everyone. Law enforcement, for example, has powerful incentives to oppose legalization. Asset forfeiture policies in drug prosecutions permit police departments to line their coffers with cash used to purchase new and better weapons and means of social control. Prisons, too, need to be filled. Sad to see anyone believing that. Folks like me who actually live with severe debilitating pain every day of their lives require the merciful relief the opioids faithfully deliver to make life bearable. We do not want the pharmacological horrors that the drug manufacturers have sought to replace the first generation painkillers with. It turns out the new high tech medicines seem to have truly wretched side effects that can shorten life vis a vie traditional opioid painkillers, as well as reduce the quality of life versus same. Libertarians have the right idea. The War on Drugs is ineffective at limiting access to dangerous drugs and, instead, empowers dangerous gangs that make incredible fortunes on the black market for these illegal drugs. The War on Drugs has imprisoned millions of non-violent people. The War on Drugs is largely responsible for the militarization of police forces in America. It has pitted police against citizens and this is unfair to both. Police need to be able to focus on protecting the American public from violent offenders and fraud. Lastly, Libertarians believe that it is immoral for the government to dictate which substances a person is permitted to consume, whether it is alcohol, tobacco, herbal remedies, saturated fat, marijuana, etc. These decisions belong to individual people, not the government. Because of all of these things, Libertarians advocate ending the War on Drugs. Guess which way I am voting come 2020. My heart broke in 2016 when i heard about this phony “opioid crisis” being debated in both major party debates. In retrospect it should have been no surprise since all they represent is major monied interests.

    Meanwhile why must I beg my doctor for pain relief, only to find that after he agrees, that no prescription was ever called in to my pharmacy? This resulting in other family members having to beg on my behalf. Then after getting the doctor to grudgingly call in a very tiny allotment of pills that Medicaid refuses to pay for, I am all the time now a days without adequate relief. I now am expected to make do with over 70% less medication. I am permanently disabled. What harm would the powers that be cause by relieving my tortuous pain? I will never again be a “useful” member of their workforce.

  2. I am 71 I have arthritis.. In 2011 I fell an hurt my back. it never got beat only worse. I went to my primary doc who then sent me to a pain specialist who suggest Tramadol.. I though of al the other treatment they talked about like massage, hydro therapy , None of them exist. none of them are covered my medicare. so I took the tramadol. I did know what it was. fast forward to December 2017. My doctor calls me in , on my dime. as always, said we are “weaning you off” gave me a month but I only had enough for 2 week. spread out may be 2 week. He refused to give me more . I just read this is against federal law and state law so their touting CDC laws is a lie. why are they lying? then they said I flunked a us because an as needed drug did not show up Xanax, so they took me off everything then find me from the whole system . there is only one system in Kitties county.. so they killed me They even shot me out of there ER and inpatient.
    I want to sue them but can’t find a lawyer .. Oh the clinic is Kitties Valley clinic in Cle Elum if you care to give them a call and tell them I am not alone no matter how much they want to isolate me

  3. Hello my name is Barbara and I’m 47 yrs old I was in a severe car accident when I was 15 and have suffered numerous injuries due to such most of me has had surgery and or has been completely replaced and I have numerous surgerious with many more to come I am not one to jump to medication or surgery without several opinions and severity of pain n how it inhibits my life I have peaks n Valleys I’m in pain all the time and without the help of medication n other tricks as of. Biofeedback, hot or cold packs ect I try every natural way to try n get a handle on my pain but after awhile no Avail I am currently not doing well n need several things done at once Rt now the only way I can have any type of life is medication drive n not giving up I don’t feel it fair that I do everything I am told as of others in the same condition or worse than mine and being 47 someone is always keeping track of my meds n my drs and I follow all the rules I understand that these steps are put in place to protect us both I find it unfair that my touch of life Rt now because of a few wrong doers is possibly going to be taken away because there are those who don’t follow the rules I don’t think anyone could change shoes with me for even n hour because of the excruciating pain n not being able to do anything or want to do because the one relief they had was taken away we are taught everyone is an individual and should be treated as so why should those fighting the good fight n trying to have a life have it taken away because of others that do not follow the rules it’s completely unfair I have so much more to say and if you would like to chat pls reach out I would gladly tell you everything but don’t punish the many for the few wrong doers I consider myself young and still have a life to fight for and you taking away my privilege to have one or help me when needed is unfair PLEASE DONT MAKE CHRONIC PAIN PATIENTS BECAUSE OF THE MISTAKES WRONGDOING AND IGNORANCE I CHALLENGE YOU TO STAY WITH ME FOR A FEW DAYS N NIGHTS WITH NO MEDICAL ASSISTANCE AND YOU HELP ME TAKE ME FOR TESTS APPOINTMENTS AND GO WITHOUT SLEEP AND MOST OF ALL DEAL WITH THE UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNT OF PAIN WHY SHOULD WE SUFFER FOR THIS WHEN WE ARE TRYING WORK ON THOSE WHO NEED. IT REMEMBER NOT ONLY DO I SUFFER BUT MY FAMILY ANYONE THAT ASSISTS ME. I IN NO WAY ASKED FOR THIS AS IM SURE THE OTHERS DIDNT. FIND OUT MUCH MORE INFO ABOUT THIS UNFORTUNATE AND UNFAIR DILEMMA

  4. I am in constant pain due- to Rheumatoid Arthritis & chronic pain syndrome as well as osteoarthritis. I was on a pain med. system that worked reasonably well. Due to these laws to catch drug dealers- my meds have been reduced to a point where they barley take the EDGE off the pain. Add to that this is the 3rd. pharmacy I have had to change to who will even fill the reduced amount. Sometimes you have to wait 2 or 3 days until (they say) they will have stock. Pain does not work like that. You cannot get them even 1 day before 30 days. I will be 70 soon and am spending my GOLDEN YEARS in pain & constant worry if I will get the relief I need to function semi-normally.

  5. I think I have already I am 71. I should not be being punished or being made to be an activist when i can’t hardly walk.. my doctor has broken both federal and state law and the of State Washington medical commission does not care at all! I just cannot believe that even with all this nothing has changed at all.. I was fired from my cinco and the medical commission state everything but the fact the clinic wants me to shut up. and go away. ‘ The drug they put me on they did not me they did is Tramadol they yanked me off with no assistance. their so called wean was a lie no wean no support just drag me here and there and force me to take disgusting expensive SSRI/SNRI. there is not alternatives none. so why do they keep using the word. I deserve pain relief .

  6. Spinal fusion, denied mediation. I asked a Primary care physician for a referral to a pain management clinic. He said I didn’t need pain meds, he said his back was worse than mine! I walked out, no referral or meds. I had to look for another primary doctor. I was able to get into a pain center. Then I had to go without meds for a couple of days, my supliment insurance only approved one week. I had to make a second appointment so my pain doctor could call my insurance to approve the rest of my meds. The DEA, CDC, state government, and insurance are making it so difficult to receive the care necessary to function day-to-day. All responsible should live in pain for as long as I have for the past ten years. I am a responsible senior citizen and have never abused any medication. The stigma of having to rely on pain meds is overwhelming, then the insult of feeling like your begging. Because people don’t see an outward physical appearance like a broken arm in a cast. Your intelligence is questined every day, what I wouldn’t give to just be able to walk to my mailbox or just to go to to the grocery store or walk around on a nice day. Things have to change, I missed the rally being unable to stand for a long. I will gladly sign a petition if would help us.

  7. I have a migraine. I’m on day 6.
    I’ve been to the er.
    The dr spent maybe 30 seconds with me.
    No, this absolutely isn’t an exaggeration.
    My blood pressure was 199/113 and my pain was so bad I was sobbing.
    Despite throwing up repeatedly I was given a single pill, a shot of benadryl on one hip and a shot of anti anxiety in the other. It could have been a shot glass of water. It did absolutely nothing except lower my blood pressure so I could be released. Blood pressure that immediately spiked again once the ineffective shot wore off.
    I wonder if they do it just to get you out and still cover their asses. Lower your blood pressure artificially I mean.
    I was worse when I left. My pain has steadily increased and now comes in waves accompanied my stabbing stomach pains.
    I told the nurse. I pleaded for help.
    The dr never returned after his 30 second assessment which he couldn’t do because I couldn’t look onto the light which frustrated him. I tried desperately hard to just look at it but the pain was worse than delivering a 12 pound 14 ounce baby, all natural. I know, I did that without a single tear. I couldn’t force my eyes to stay open when he shined the light into my pupils.
    I have begged not to be left in this state. It got me absolutely no where.
    I’ve slept very little in the past 6 days and my headache is every bit as bad as it was when it came on suddenly.
    Hemiplegic migraines are like this.
    A Dr needs to stop and listen to me.
    I don’t want narcotics. I want relief.
    If any dr would just run a simple and fairly quick metabolic test on me they see that I metabolize narcotic medications so quickly they’re nearly useless unless I am given a fairly high dose and then that dose is followed up quickly with a second. It’s rare but occasionally I require a 3rd before my blood pressure comes down and my headache fades to manageable.
    Or I’ve been admitted for lessor headaches and sedated until I could be brought out of it.
    So why can’t I just get that? Because the moment you admit that you know this about your body the Dr just sees you drug seeking.
    We don’t have insurance for me so I can’t just go to my neurologist.
    I had been to a pain clinic 2 years ago but they dropped me when I refused the horrifically painful spinal injections that had been effective exactly zero % of the time. Those injections are big money and I refused.
    Those injections are now counter indicated for my conditions. As is many of the medications I had been on.
    I don’t know what the answer is.
    I know this morning comes after another night of no sleep.
    I know I desperately need a shower but can’t see clearly and do not have the strength to raise my arms. I’m to embarrassed to ask my husband to help me and I simply don’t know anyone else who would even if I asked.
    I know I need medical intervention but because I know exactly what works, I will not get it.
    I’m exhausted and my sobs are met with dry eyes. I’m not dehydrated, I’m just all out of tears.
    I hurt and my vision is cloudy as if I am looking through vaseline smeared glasses.
    I hurt but I am going to make candy bar cookies with Moses, and he won’t know we’re making cake mix cookies because I don’t have it in me to make scratch anything. I’ll make instant mashed potatoes and deli gravy with Shannyn.
    Mason will laugh and lift the pork loin in and out of the oven but won’t know it’s because I will drop it if I even try.
    Skylar will come find me in bed between tasks with kiddos and stay very close. All day close. She is the most tuned into me and I’ve never figured out how. Most people have no idea what kind of pain I am in.
    Sharlotte will get her bubble bath and I will sit on the stool to wash her hair because I don’t have it in me to kneel next to the tub.
    I will try to hide just how bad it is from my husband because he has to work.
    He would want to drive me far away, maybe even a different state just to see if somebody in a different er will help me.
    He won’t care the cost and would risk his job.
    I feel like a burden.
    My body is broken and this headache has lasted so long I am beginning to fear it is my new normal.
    I know I could live like this but f*ck, why would I want to? No I am absolutely not suicidal. That’s way to much judgement for me. Not a choice I would make.
    I want to live. I just would rather live with a 4 or less on the pain scale and I’ve been sitting at a steady 8 with intense stabbing 9 and sometimes I hit a 10. Never though have I been under an 8.
    The ringing in my right ear never goes away and the only way to describe it is like a fire alarm going off at a steady high pitch and it never ends. I have not managed to make it stop. Not with the Moses and fans and head thumping and and…all of it. If Google suggests it, I tried it.
    I can barely breathe and it takes absolutely every single bit of strength I have not to let my family see me scream and cry. So I quit crying.
    I’m just here. Begging God, the universe and whomever has the answer to help me.
    It’s my mantra.
    Help me Jesus.
    Please, please, Jesus…help me.
    This is what it is like to suffer a hemiplegic migraine.
    This is me living with lupus and fibromyalgia and neuropathy and so many other painful conditions.
    This is me living drug free.

  8. Back in 2004, my world came crashing down on me. I had my Secretarial business, and was enjoying my work so much. Wasn’t feeling well – lots of aches and pain. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and Fibromyalgia. As time went by, I was in and out of the hospital for my feet which would swell up. Doctors were not sure of what I had. I would soon be diagnosed with Venous Insufficiency. Cellulitis landed me in the hospital a few times. Finally a good foot doctor, and my Internal Medicine doctor were convinced that I had RSD. I went to see a Neurologist in Rolling Hills, CA and sure enough- that’s what I had. My legs always felt like they were on fire and I was hypersensitive on the bottom of my feet and the swelling was bad. Thankfully I was diagnosed but for me it was too late. You have to catch CRPS or RSD at the onset.

    In 2008, I had a Discogram and thereafter had back surgery at L5 S1. Have you ever had a Discogram? Painful but you find out where the pain is coming from so it is a good diagnostic tool.

    I was put on a low dose opioid in 2004, and have been on it ever since. It has given me quality of life to where I can at least move around as well as clean my home. I feel you do not have to be on such a high dosage to be adequately pain relieved. That’s just my opinion.

    My internal medicine doctor in 2016 told me she could no longer continue prescribing my pain medication due to the DEA and alerts. In my opinion she was afraid she would lose her medical license, and I understand that. I have always been a patient in charge of myself. My own advocate. My physician sent me to a wonderful pain mgmt doctor whom I respect and appreciate. I’m still with him.

    Doctors should not be scared of taking care of their patients. The medical community needs to change. We are losing people to suicide who cannot cope anymore. They have been removed or tapered from their medication. American Medical Assoc needs to listen to us.

    The people paying the ultimate price today are the pain patients who take their medication as prescribed- do not abuse – do not doctor or pharmacy shop at all- who PLAY by the rules set forth. They are good patients like myself. We need more pain mgmt doctors especially as the Baby Boomers age. People in rural areas do not have what we have in the big cities. That must change.

  9. 23 Doctors and counting;
    DEA & CDC March 2017 admitted to congress they were wrong!
    Prescription drugs ARE NOT BEHIND the falsely claimed Opiate epidemic…”GOOGLE THE PDF REPORT” from your own government.
    THE CDC & DEA admitted to using flawed statistical information in their determination.
    Law enforcement in Colorado pointed to the flawed data collection – stating: i give the same person an over dose kit 3 times a week – the data collected does not account for the same person and counts each dose as a “NEW Person”.
    DOJ issues (01/31/2019) finding against a Primary care clinic that refused to provide Opiate medication as discriminatory treatment a denial of access – ordered the practice stopped and ordered payment to the victim for damages.

    Profiteering is the name of the game – as it has the appearance, doctors invested in “pain management clinics” push their patients to the clinics to extract as much as they can.

    Patients are being extorted by their own doctors –
    Recently for the 2nd time – i was told that because of my chronic pain – i would have to submit to degrading treatment in the form of: forced to suffer withdraws from medication – for a baseline reading (That in it self is fraud) you need no such finding – and is proposed only for the profitably and Deming abusive behavior of medical providers to “instate control over” and unethically dominate another human…for the “Sole purpose” to extract money – this violates the WHO (World Health Organization) provisions for a health care provider….BUT there is more

    – i must show up once a month to have my vitals taken before they will give me the prescription (lab Rat) treatment at my expense roughly $300.00 a pop. AND i MUST see a mental Health Therapist – so that they can approve the medication usage –

    HOWEVER in Colorado: a Therapist is not licensed to engage in prescribing medications – they are not qualified – another scam for money by the mental health providers FOR PROFITABILITY… as i said since 2003 i have been on my meds without one issue – at most seen my provider every 6 months for review – as i received scrips every month to or post dated scrips every 3 months for the next 3 months.

    NONE OF THOSE advocating for these “criminalized treatment” are chronic pain suffers – in my opinion not qualified – because they do not understand and never will.

    At best we need to sue and win large awards to redirect doctors to their senses –
    as each takes a cut of the pie of insurance money (Since 2003) – could there be fact based evidence that mental health providers are be-hide the push for tighter controls in Colorado as they speak to doctors and legislatures over forcing Chronic pain suffers into their offices for “profiting” as doctors invest in so called “scam pain clinics with the state”???

    I am looking for an attorney who got will to stand with me and fight for my rights!

  10. Hello. My name is Ron and I’ve been a chronic pain patient for over 25 years. I did attend both rallys at the Oklahoma state capitol. My primary reason for sending this E-mail is to reach out to others about the sad state of affairs regarding how the DEA is threatening our doctors and causing many of us to suffer needlessly. I’m excited that I have found a politician who is actually trying to help. It’s U.S. senator Jim Inhofe. During my many conversations with his staff, one point came up more than once. Even though they said that many people have called them, I was the first person that specified that the DEA was preventing my, or any doctor from exceeding the CDC guidelines of 90 meme per day. I asked one of his aides to call the DEA and confront them. And, God love her, she did! Of course they denied everything. If anyone else out there in our great state of Oklahoma has heard the same thing from their doctor, please contact Senator Inhofe’s office and tell them. The aide that I spoke with said it would help her/ them if more of their constituents would call and specifically say that the DEA was the problem,. The phone number in Washington D.C. is 202-224-4721. I can’t express enough how impressed I have been with her/ their willingness to listen and actually try to do something other than just pay lip service. Please, E-mail me back if you have any questions or just want to talk. God bless us all. Thank you.

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