Share Your Pain Story

Tell your story of living with chronic pain, by leaving a reply at the bottom of the page. Do not mention specific medications or dosages. Stories do not appear right away.

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  1. Hi, I fell 30’ working as an EMT. That was 19 years ago and I have been dealing with back pain since. I have 2 ruptured discs, 2 herniated, and several bulging discs. Over the years the doctor has had to change my meds. These last 2 years the dosage has gone down or my insurance won’t cover my meds so they have been changed to what they call pre approved meds and every January something changes. The long lasting meds taken 2x daily went from 100 mgs to 30 and the instant relief meds went from 5 daily to 2-3 . No surgeon will touch me because of the amount of arthritis throughout every inch of my spine. I have severe stenosis and was born with scoliosis. I’ve used my meds as prescribed. I signed a contract with the hospitals pain mgmt center and have adhered to said contract for 19 years.
    This lowering constantly has turned me into a couch potato. At the very least I could go for short walks on my acreage but now I have to be dropped off everywhere at the door while my wife parks the car.
    I am disabled but could enjoy playing guitar and walking my dog around my land. After this last amount of pain meds was reduced I no longer do either.
    I didn’t start this opioid crisis and didn’t switch to illegal drugs when they gave me considerably less, nope I just suffer and barely get by. I’ve wondered why chronic pain sufferers weren’t talking about this. In the office all I hear is others complaining , patients yelling at nurses and the doctors who’s hands are tied and even threats of taking them to court.
    In the 80’s I had 2 knee operations was prescribed pain meds for 4 months and when I felt I didn’t need them I told the doctor and stopped taking them.
    Also why do dentist hand out a months worth of pain meds for 1 pulled tooth. When a few days is all that’s needed. I watch a lot of different documentaries about addiction and 90% took their first pain meds after a dental procedure and were hooked, and went to heroin from that point on. this isn’t something I get. I don’t know what euphoria people are experiencing because I never have. It was explained to me that if you’re getting high on ones pain meds than your taking more than you need. I’ve had morphine in the hospital for kidney stones and it make’s me sleepy not euphoric. This reduction in my pain meds has completely changed my life and not in a good way. I have thoughts about ending my life so I don’t have to feel like I do now.

  2. I was involved in a traumatic accident in Northern Maine. I laid in the snow with 5 broken ribs and a collapsed lung waiting for the ambulance to locate me on the trail. It took us 45 minutes to get to the nearest hospital. Then another 45 minutes to another hospital for admission into the “trauma” unit. My attending physician ordered an alternative to manage my pain without medication and I went forward with an epidural to control my pain. This worked like a charm for a couple of hour until I woke up and notified my nurse my sheets were damp, and I was in pain they didn’t believe me until I was screaming in agony. The nurses finally contacted the physician and he confirmed it had fallen out. The nurses asked me if I wanted to go for another and I quickly declined. I had suffered endless hours of torture and simply could not handle it emotionally. I was then greated by my attending physician who began to yell and scream at me and forced me to the operating room for a “re-do”. Only for the exact results of only a couple more hours of relief to have to wake up in agonizing pain for the same doctor to come in and confirm it had fallen out once again. Although, the pain I suffered is reflected in the statistics of the opioid epidemic. I did not appreciate the torture and additional anxiety of a traumatic situation

  3. Gentleman, I have been on Vicodin for quite awhile. Although it is not a complete pain reliever, it makes it possible to get up and do some things. I would like to know why legitimate pain pill use is being punished for other people’s Abuse and Crimes? Even with pain pills I still have to lie down much of the day. I have NEVER ABUSED pills or liquor, so why are you punishing me? I go every 3weeks to my doctor in order to receive my pain pills. You are using Our Pain to make it look like your Winning the Opiate Fight. That’s Shameful.Everyone knows Criminals will get it Somewhere.

  4. Hello, I’m a 65 y/o man, diagnosed in 1996 with Charcot-Marie Tooth Disease; it has nothing to do with teeth; it’s a hereditary disease that affects the peripheral nerves of the lower limbs, knees to toes and elbows to fingers. In extreme cases, the respiratory muscles can be affected. It is extremely painful and I have been treated effectively with high dose opioid therapy, A dosage level that has not changed in nine years! And , which has been wonderful, bringing my pain into tolerable levels and giving me the functionality to do the daily needs that one must do, especially being unable to walk and wheelchair-bound and living alone. I also have virtually no use of my hands, being on able to grip or make a fist. My hands were more like flippers LOL. Anyway, my pain Doctor who has been so wonderful got a visit from the DEA and is no longer working at the clinic I was going to; and I was put with the other doctor in the clinic who does not want to prescribe the dosages I was getting. I have yet to find a physician who will so I am trusting in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to give me the strength I need to get through this.

  5. I was diagnosed with RA 20 years ago along with other ailments that cause me chronic pain. I cannot be on my feet any longer than an hour without experiencing sharp pains in my lower back
    as my arthritis has gone to my spine. Even after resting, the pain is always there . I awaken with it every morning. I cant wait to eat something so I can take a pain med that eases it somewhat but
    only lasts till noon when it becomes unbearable again. My rheumatologist will not prescribe anything stronger as he worries about his license. I never asked for this and would give anything to free of the constant pain that is always with me. All I have asked for is an instant pain relief pill
    that I could take between the 2 pills I take daily instead of having to get to an 8 level of pain before I can get a little relief again. I never abused or used drugs until the RA set in and had no choice but to seek relief. I know that its a problem with drug abusers but Im not in that category. I even feel shunned when I get my pain meds at the pharmacy. Im up early every day but now I have to wait till 9 at the pharmacy to get my meds. This is not fair but it seems I have to suffer because of others every day

  6. Finally a group that tells the truth about pain.
    Folks think we are drug addicts, I went to school and got a bachlors in finance and a masters in education after a severe accident logging…
    All I hear is about the opiates I take, but they allow me to live.
    I am one of the “lucky” ones.
    More to follow…

  7. My name is Phil from Ohio I have degenerative joint disease diagnosed in 1999 I have been on opioid since 1993 I have had 18 surgeries both knees are replaced both shoulders are replaced left wrist fusion and sometime in March I will have my right hand done, within the last 8 or 10 months my doctor has cut me down from 120 Norco tens a month 2 21 a week, they only work for an hour and a half then I’m back to normal which is not normal. Then if I go to get something stronger my insurance won’t pay for it I have to pay out-of-pocket how fair is that?I told my doctor years ago before I knew what was going on that it hurt everywhere that bends! All I want is to feel normal comfortable without having to go through the hassle of the DEA or anybody else up my doctor’s rear end!! Please help me if you can if anyone has any ideas, thank you all for reading this.

  8. People are overdosing on heroin and fentanyl but they still classify them as opioids. I have an 18 surgeries with 5 replacements and all I get is flak from anybody and everybody that has to do with pain

  9. I have several health issues and I recently made a Emergenct Room visit to MCV.I suffer from PsA and CP and the pain is excruciating in my joints from head to toes.I have been visiting doctors for many many years.I have asked repeatedly for some type of pain management and I get the same thing over and over,”Well What Do You Want Us To Do About It”? I want doctors,physicians to LISTEN to their patients.I do not need proof to show I am sick and in pain,the proof and diagnosis have been made.I need HELP to deal with the daily severe pain I suffer.I can barely walk,I can not sleep,and I feel this is causing me to loose my mental state of mind.People who do not suffer in pain HAVE NO IDEA how much this takes a toll on a person.I can not work,I lost my house,I can not afford to drive,pay for meds,or obviously get the CORRECT medical help I desperately need.I have been denied my SSDI even though I was diagnosed in 2005 with PsA.I have been fighting for my equal rights while being sick and let me tell you IT SUCKS! .I tell the doctors OVER AND OVER how much my pain is and all I get is the cold shoulder.I need HELP ASAP .These health conditions are Horrible and I feel nothing but discrimination from the Government to the Doctors to the General Public and IT IS NOT RIGHT!!!!!. We need to help the sick and weak and stop the denial of the necessary medicine so desperately needed.Thank You.

  10. I have RA and OA. I had a knee replacement 11 years ago that is now failing. My other knee is bone-on-bone, and you can hear it scraping when I bend the knee. I need to have both shoulders replaced because of the OA and a torn rotator cuff that could not be repaired with a scope procedure. I have neuropathy which results in constant pain in my feet. The only way I am able to function in any manner approaching normal is by taking my pain medication. I have been taking it for more than two years. I have never abused it. If I don’t have it, my life for all intent and purposes would cease to exist. I resent the “powers-that-be” or the fanatics that get on the “stop opioids” soapbox. They obviously have no pain, so they cannot begin to imagine what doing without pain medication when it is desperately needed. What right do they have to dictated how much pain medication I should be taking. Although normally I would not wish something bad on another person, in this case I SINCERELY HOPE that each and every one of these people who are trying to regulate or do away with opioids will have something happen so they have to experience the pain I go through daily. If that did happen, I guarantee you they would sing a much different tune.

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