Share Your Pain Story

Tell your story of living with chronic pain, by leaving a reply at the bottom of the page. Do not mention specific medications or dosages. Stories do not appear right away.

1,000 Replies to “Share Your Pain Story”

  1. I was in a motorcycle accident where I was hit by a speeding driver on the freeway. I broke or fractured 9 ribs, 5 vertebrae, my pelvis and my right arm. I was air lifted to La Jolla. As a Father and husband I could not take the 8 to 12 months to recuperate. I had to support my family. and pain medication got me through my job. 6 years later I had my first laminectomy where there was damage to the nerves followed by additional surgeries. I now have very little feeling in either leg, my cyatic nerves in excruciating pain round the clock. Where I can work using a cane to prevent my falling which happens daily. Most companies don’t want to risk hiring me and yet I still need to do whatever I can to support my family. I sleep perhaps 10 hours a week with out medication. This is certainly not the kind of life I imagined. I have a full gym at home to get me better but can’t use it without supervision. So I sit. I sit and watch my son grow up without me. I watch my wife become the mother of my son and not a wife. We sleep in separate rooms because of the pain and constant moving to get somewhat comfortable. These pills do not get me high, they do not make me forget. They allow me some amount of dignity by suppressing enough pain for whatever amount of time so that I can live what little quality of life I can.

  2. Stage IV Breast Cancer with Bone Mets. Believe me, tumors growing in your bones hurts. Pain Pills are the difference in writhing agony and a productive day. My insurer only covers so many milligrams per month and I pay out of pocket for anything over the arbitrary “approved” limit. Many friends and family have asked if I get high from my pills. Pain pills do NOT provide a high for people who need them and use them as prescribed; it’s a common misconception.

  3. I’ve been a CPP for 13 yrs now and have degenerative disk disease. I’ve had 4 neck surgeries and I’m facing more as this disease is progressive. I’ve been going to a wonderful pain clinic here in Sacramento but lately I’ve been forced into a rapid taper down program that’s been hell. I’m so scared for my future pain control as it’s rapidly getting out of control now. And I’m tired of being treated like I’m a junkie by some pharmacys and the government a!! We just want to have some semblance of a quality of life, we’re not abusing these medications, selling them, or doctor shopping, so why should we be punished like we are? It’s not right to punish the law abiding patients in an effort to combat a national problem. They’re going after the wrong people and are doing irrevocable harm! I don’t want to end up as a suicide statistic because my pain was too great to cope with.

  4. I have been a Pain Patient in a legitimate Pain Management Facility for 12+ years.
    Due to the CDC GUIDELINES, my doctor did a forced taper of my meds in June 2017. By Dec. 2017 my meds were lower than ever.
    I am now only receiving less than 10 percent if what I was prescribed 15 years ago.
    I just found out about this organization and thought my Doctor was following a law and I had no options.
    I have developed a heart condition. I went into cardiac arrest just 6 hours after leaving the hospital following a total hip replacement surgery in October of this year. 2018.
    I had no clots. just unmanaged pain from the surgery.
    Now I am waiting for a defibulatir , while wearing a vest.
    The forced taper is, in my opinion has been caused by unmanaged chronic pain.
    We must win this fight against legislature that is crippling our Doctors who are trying to help is6.

  5. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia back in 2010 and I’d been on opioid pain meds for years. Here in NY, iStop completely changed the whole system, monitoring what doctors write and where. It’s at the point now where it’s impossible to find a doctor for treatment. They put you through all of the tests over and over again and even at the end, they try putting you on Lyrica and other drugs that have far worse effects on the body and mind. I had tried everything from acupuncture, meditation, chiropractors, and the only thing that ever helped me was opioids. Our government allowed free circulation of these meds, only to abruptly take them away to the extreme and punishing those who try to continue treatment that they know helps them the most.

    The MSM and our gov has run with the buzzword “Opioid Crisis.” It has the masses in fear, thinking fentanyl (which only arrived a few years ago) is the same as all other opioids. Almost all opioid deaths are from mixing them with a myriad of other drugs. Even addicts know what they’re getting into. You don’t mix drugs, or risk death. The misinformation, fear and most of all, the continuous war against patients, must end NOW.

    It gives me hope to see others waking up to what’s really going on here. If the WoD was truly meant to be won, then we would go the way of Portugal and decriminalize and put money into TREATMENT and NOT incarceration. Taking legal and regulated opioids away from patients has created a market for unregulated street drugs and criminals, leading to deaths, addicts, and chaos.

  6. I am also a chronic pain patient. I have a debilitating disease that is not curable. For a few years I have been put on medication that has put me in a controlled state. As long as I took my meds at the right time I could be at a tolerable state. I never misused my medacine and I have always followed the rules. When I went to my doctors I was told they are not making my medacine anymore and they put me on a less than adequate replacement. This was all done in the name of “fighting the opioid crisis”. All my symptoms are coming back and I really am looking to soon not be able to do simple things people take for granted. I love life and have always thanked God for all of my blessings. I do not understand why I am being punished for people who misused their pain medicine. I could not do things before they figured out my dosage, but once they did I felt like I was like everyone else in the world. I am now getting worse. I feel helpless and without care. I do want to add I have great health coverage and I have always paid my taxes. I volunteered on my good days to always pay it forward. Who is going to speak for me on a simple quality of life Issue? Thank you for listening, Penny Alles

  7. In 1983 I slipped and fell while stepping from a high dock onto a boat, landing on the boat edge on my left knee. All my weight plus an arm full of items causing my Femur to be pushed into my hip joint. I had 2 disk ruptured and a damage Siactic nerve in my left hip. After 2 surgeries to fuse my lumbar my pain never ceased. The nerve damage was found by Nerve Conduction Study……awesome but there is no fix or cure for a damaged nerve.
    I tried every available option to control my pain but an opioid meds is the only thing that helps me make it through my days and nights.
    Now my meds are cut by 2/3s, I suffer constantly. I’m glad to have the meds I do have but this is so inhumane to treat chronic pain patients like addicts.

  8. I am a CCP of 16 years after an accident at,my job where I saved the lives of several. My meds have,allowed me to work again after 3 years in a wheelchair. I am a productive citizen, I am able to play with my grandchildren and have somewhat of a social life. My meds keep me mostly comfortable but it is a daily battle. I had a,spinal cord stimulator until it got infected last year and had to be removed. My Dr. Is tapering my meds. When I get farther down I will lose my job, my home and ability to have a life. I know I can’t live in the ER or at my doctors office. This is the first time I have ever thought about suicide. I want to help change the law to where we can have the meds our doctors think we need and keep the government out of our doctors offices. I am upset about this everyday. This brings on anxiety and depression that contribute to pain. O am truly terrified about what is yo jappen.

  9. Damaged my spine in the late 90’s. I have pedical screws. My lower back hurts so bad always. My sciatic nerve hurts like fire . Speaking of fire, fibromyalgia burns it’s way down my back, arms, hips and legs. Now that I’m off all my pain meds, I stay in bed or on the couch with ice packs or heat packs. I take tylenol. It doesn’t work. But I take it on the off chance a miracle occurs. My liver has been objecting to the high doses of tylenol.
    I object to not being able to move.

    Maybe some members of government want to get rid of people on SS or state/ federal retirement. One senator stated the the elderly was the biggest drain in the state!?

    I wonder what will happen with all that free narcan? I’m sure someone will find a way to make an illegal drug out of it.
    Or maybe someone will make a mint selling off the free needles only junkies can get. Gather them up and sell them overseas. What a haul!!
    I don’t think diabetics get free needles.

    Whoever thought up the cure for the opioid epidemic, didn’t think it through. So, now thousands of people have to pay, via suffering, for those that were not compliant and ended up well having a bad outcome.

    Yes, I have lost loved ones to addiction, but we should not have to suffer any more thsn is necessary.

  10. After being on a strong pain med ordered by a pain specialist, I was handed a sheet of paper on my way out of the office. It said I would not be getting my prescriptions ever again.

    These are meds that cannot be stopped cold turkey.
    My doctor did not return phone calls and the office people actually snickered at me when I would call to find out how to decrease the dosage.

    OK. I figured it out by looking online.
    My doctor called me after three months to get me admitted to a hospital. But I was already off.

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