Share Your Pain Story

Tell your story of living with chronic pain, by leaving a reply at the bottom of the page. Do not mention specific medications or dosages. Stories do not appear right away.

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  1. Here is my medical history;

    #1 Early 2009 – Cervical fusion C4,C5,C6

    #2 Late 2009 – Right Knee Replacement, Doctor wanted to do both knees.

    #3 Late 2010 – Lumbar fusion, L4,L5,S1 with Lamenectomy. Because the L5 nerve root was impinged for so long (about 20 years) I now have permanent nerve damage in the right leg along with nerve pain issues.

    #4 Late 2011 – Lumbar fusion L3,L4 with Lamenectomy.

    #5 Late 2012 – Started out as a L2, L3 fusion surgery, doctor found extensive arthritis beyond what was indicated on the MRI/CT scans. During this surgery Doctor went ahead and fused me from T10 down to S1.

    #6 2018 – Neurosurgeon found I had flat back syndrome and broken rod, and a multitude of other issues in my spine.

    This surgery involved two of the practice partner surgeons and 11 hours of surgery. THe first 3 hours of this surgery was to remove extensive excess bone from the lumbar area. Then, they took ALL of the pedicle screws and rods out of my spine, they then cut two 23 degree wedges of bone out of my lumbar vertebrae in order to bend the spine to recreate the correct curve of the lumbar spine. Then larger pedicle screws and rods were installed, but they also found a disk ar T8 that was impinging on the spinal cord so they had to install the hardware from T6 all the way down to S1 trying recreate the natural curve of the spine.

    I now have sciatic nerve pain in both legs, primarily the right leg. Numbness and tingling in both feet and some tingling in the legs. I get what feels like electrical shocks in the legs and feet. Constant throbbing pain in the lumbar region, down legs, with it primarily in the right leg.
    The pain never stops. Never.

    Without pain medicine I would be in my bed laying in the fetal position curled up begging my wife to find someone to help me. Before my back surgeries this was the case. I was a 46 year old man crying and begging for help. The surgeries did help alleviate some pain, but induced other new pains. My issues are documented and legitimate. However, as usual our lawmakers did not think about those of us in severe pain every day of their life. They had blinders on thinking that all pain medication was bad and it had to cut down lower limits no matter what.
    They were terribly wrong and have cause much suffering from those of us who experience chronic pain daily.

    My pain management doctor has reduce the amount of pain medicine was taking. That dose was working to stop my pain and allowed me to be more functional. Now with the new lower dose required by a faulty law, I am now limited by my increased pain due to the lower dose.

    The state and national lawmakers, and DEA need to revisit their restrictive laws and understand what the law abiding citizens, who have chronic pain, are experiencing. We take our medication as prescribed. We have monthly doctor visits. We have continued procedures to try to help with the pain in addition to the medication. We are not addicted, and we do not doctor shop. We are in pain, and it does not go away with aspirin or tylenol.

  2. I’ve been in chronic pain for 36 years now. I broke my back at 15 and was lucky to not be paralyzed.
    I’ve had numerous spinal surgeries and will soon be having another. I have rods, screws, bolts, a spinal chord stimulator, disc fusion, among other surgeries & injection I’ve forgotten names of. I also have degenerate disc disease & spinal stenosis which is closing so much my surgeon is worried about me being paralyzed that is why I need more surgery right now. My surgeon is working on setting the date up now. My pain is constant there is never a time I feel no pain. If I don’t take anything I can’t move. I explain it as I turn into a rusted tin man. I have to curl myself into a ball on my left side, “I cant lay on my right side due to the huge pace maker in the right side of my back” on the bed to get a little relief and I am on a heating pad about 18 hours out of my day. Yes, the skin on my back is dead and looks like a huge permanent red birth mark from the heating pad. I also rub down 3/4 of my body a couple times a day with Lidocaine ointment, which is a couple hundred dollars a tube! It kills me to stand, sweep, bend, climb stairs, walk down stains, reach, when the pain is too bad it hurts to breathe. My pain is mostly the lower back, but it don’t stop there it goes into my hips, down my legs, into my buttocks, numbness in my calves and I have awful muscle spasms. The muscle spasms are so severe it jolts my body. I do work as much as I can. Thank God I have something I love and am able to work part time at, even though it’s not the job I trained in. I’m a pet sitter I love animals and I think they help me as much as I help them. I also crochet it helps keep my mind off of the pain and it’s a pretty cheap outlet. I am a musician, but I can’t play anymore due to the weight of my bass & standing & bending just hurts to much. It’s so frustrating I just give up, cause as much as I want to play it depresses me, cause it hurts to do it.
    I hate the way chronic pain patients are made to feel like we are junkies. I’m not abusing my medicine. I always try & take the least I need to function. My regular old doctor suggested 5 pills a day, I told her to lower it to 4. I was able to manage the pain at that level, 4 was working. My doctor moved & I got a new doctor who quickly moved me to 3 a day. He said, he don’t and won’t give anyone more then 3 pills a day! Even though he knows I’ve in major pain where my lower spin & nerves are being pinched as it’s closing in tighter. He knows I’m about to have more surgery, but he still won’t budge. I couldn’t stand the pain with only 3 pills, it’s so bad I started searching & ended up finding out about Kratom which is a natural herb. You don’t get high it just does something to help block pain. It is helping a little. Of course insurance won’t pay for it. If I wouldn’t of found Kratom, I wouldn’t be able to work or move 1/2 of the day. I don’t wanna have to depend on medicine to live, but sadly that’s what I have to do. It either stay in major pain, crying & feeling suicidal due to the pain or take pain meds still hurt just less and I can 1/2 way live a normal life.
    I prefer to have less pain please.

  3. I am writing this to try to explain why this medication is so vital for my sense of self, my sense of life.
    I have NEVER regretted my choice to serve the Military; I was never concerned about what if anything would happen to me while serving. I was always told,” Whatever happens to you, we will take care of it”
    I suffer from a handful of Medical Issues, Crohns Disease, Back Issues, and am developing shoulder issues, These 3 have required some surgery. I have a bad ankle; I am developing joint issues (joint issues are attributed to The Crohns). I am also suffering from Bad Anxiety and Depression, as well as Diabetes. I required 3 Hernia repairs as well. Now at one time I was also diagnosed and treated for an Extreme case of Bi-polar Disorder with Major Depression, after years of treatment and medications, and a chain of incalculable amount of Psychologists and Psychiatrists and Social workers, I have now been told I do not have it any more??
    I have been suffering from the Crohns Disease for some 25 years or so. The Crohns Disease was first diagnosed when I was rushed to an Emergency Surgery due to an impacted blockage in my Digestive Tract as well as finding numerous fistulas. The disease’s first surgery required the removal of approximately 5.5 ft. of my intestines, (lower intestine, and colon). After the surgery, it became “painfully” obvious that a “normal” life was never going to be possible for me. I was unable to go too far from home, and if I did, I had to have access to an almost immediate bathroom. And that seemed to be the extent of the issues with it. For the first decade or so, I did not require much medical help to cope with the Disease. It seemed to have disappeared, gone into remission for the most part. I did require the repair of a hernia that had appeared after the bowel resection. Some years later, I started to develop horrible cramps and horrible and extremely forceful diarrhea, so painful and significant that I often would wind up in the fetal position to try and cope with the cramps, after the 20 to 30 bowel movements in a day, I would often have to try and sleep due to me being so drained and exhausted. After a couple of years like this with no life to speak of, being forced to work at jobs that sometimes would exacerbate the pain or cramps. This period of time, I was incapable to maintain any kind of gainful employment for longer than a 6 month period due to having to take days off at a time because of the flairs and the symptoms. Eventually I was introduced to Remicade. Even though I did not have any known active irritations in my intestines, and was just dealing with the diarrhea and cramps. I was prescribed and started receiving the Remicade Infusions, “OH WHAT GLORY”, I was able to have a life again since my diagnoses. I had the infusion every 5 to 6 weeks, I was so Happy with life. I was living again. I inadvertently found out how much the cost of the infusions were, I was absolutely stunned by that, but still, I was ecstatic to find this drug and was so Grateful to be on it. During this time I was even able to become an Active Member of My Local Community as well as an active member to my local Fire Department, I even had become a Licensed and Certified First Responder. At this time I was on a small dose of pain medicine to cope with the “breakthrough” pain that I was experiencing. Eventually I was forced to step down from the Office I held with the Local Fire Department as well as being an Active Firefighter. Because of being taken off of the Remicade. I was forced to relocate because of a hurricane. To this day whenever I broach the subject of being put back on Remicade or any other similar medicine, I am told it costs to much, or The Doctor wants to wait for an “Active” flair. It appears to me that the GI’s have stopped treating the Crohns and continue to treat the symptoms I was suffering from.
    This is when I was introduced to More Pain Medication. Due to the increasing pain in my back as well as the vicious cramps I was experiencing. I was enrolled in various pain management clinics and introduced to various Doctors; they wound up suggesting and prescribing 2 Percocet tablets 4 times a day. This is the time in which I was diagnosed as having an Extreme case of Bi-Polar Disorder, (Formerly Manic Depressive), in an effort to explain why my back pain was becoming much more of an issue, a couple of MRI’s were performed and it was discovered that I had suffered a blown out disc in the lumbar region of my back, after a protracted regimen of Physical Therapy and other attempts to alleviate the pain. The Doctor and I discussed having a disc fusion of the bones above and below the disc. I underwent the Surgery, it appeared the surgery had repaired the issue and I started to believe I was going to be having a life again. That turned out to be wishful thinking, and the pain started to assert itself again. While dealing with this pain and the issues caused and associated with Crohns Disease.
    A Major Hurricane had forced me to locate to a New State, which is my current location. When I was looking for Medical Assistance from The Veterans Administration in the new area, I was informed that my new location did not have the Financial Resources to restart the Remicade Infusions; in fact I had lived in the area for some time before I was even referred to a GI doctor who had experience with Crohns Disease. I was not being treated for the Crohns Disease; I was back to being treated for the effects of the Disease, (Diarrhea, and Severe Cramps). The dosage of the Percocet helped with the cramps as well as the pain in the lumbar region of my back, making it tolerable. I even held a very beneficial employment at this time.
    I had bounced between numerous PC Doctors for some time; In fact I do not believe I had never seen the same Doctor more than once at this time. After finding and being assigned a PC Doctor, I was approached about taking me off of the current dosage of Percocet, and being moved to a long term medication because the Percocet could possibly bad for my liver, (even though I NEVER showed ANY Liver issues). After talking about it, we settled on Morphine being the most accurate medication my situation with my Crohns and my Back Issues. So I was prescribed Morphine. After various dosage changes we dialed it in. I become a father in this time and Oh What a GLORIOUS feeling. After years of being unable to cope with people and situations, It looked like I was going to start to have a life again of activity of hobbies and of socialization. Life was remarkable! Shortly after I became a father, I noticed that I was not experiencing Major issues with my mental health.. Time had passed without any Major mental health issues after which I was told “Hey, You are not Bi-polar, Not sure why you had that diagnoses”. So I was no longer treated for Anxiety or Depression. I believed whatever I it was, it was either cured or gone somehow and I no longer would have to worry about it.
    A few years went by and nothing major had happened, until I started to get violently sick again. I was unable to keep anything in my system and I was unable to have any type of significant bowel movement. I had experienced this type of reaction once before, and that was when I underwent the emergency surgery in which I was diagnosed with the Crohns Disease. After 4 trips in and out of the Emergency Department of the Local Hospital, It was decided by a the surgeon I was consulting with about the possibility of repairing the Hernia that reappeared after it was supposedly fixed years before. The surgeon decided he would fix the Hernia and while he had me cut open, he would check out my intestines, in an effort to find out what was causing me to be sick and unable to function. I was told after the surgery, that there was a significant blockage as well as a six inch section of my tract that lost all blood flow and died. The surgeon repaired the hernia by putting the mesh in, as well as removing the dead piece of intestine. Being unable to work for a significant amount of time, I lost my job. I was unable to work, so in an effort to seek assistance, I filed for temporary full disability with the VA, twice. I was denied both times.
    During this time, I was able to quit smoking after a lot of urging from my PCP. Unfortunately, I wound up putting on a significant amount of weight, and this is when I was diagnosed with Diabetes. Over time I started to develop smaller issues with my shoulders, my knees, my ankles. I did mention to my PCP about these issues to have them documented, since I was on the Morphine it was helping control the pain and discomfort.
    Some years passed by and there was a push to start removing Vets from pain medications, So against my wishes my pain medicine was cut in half. After 2 weeks of the new dosage, I was physically and mentally unable to cope and to exist in the state that I was in. At one point I developed an absolute horrible case of hemorrhoids. I tried and tried to get an appointment with my PCP, but to No Avail. I suffered from them for 4 weeks, and was unable to go back to work due to the fact I was unable to perform the job to adequate standards. I had gotten so sick and unable to function, I found someone who would help me do a walk in to the PC Clinic, After almost 7 hours, I was able to see my PCP, after being examined by her and being told by her, “That it is very clear to her”, That I needed to maintain my previous dosage of my pain medicine. I never showed any indication of possibly abusing my medications, and I never called to request refills before they were due, So that day she upped my medication back up to the previous dosage rate. Since I was unable to see a GI Doctor without first getting a referral, I requested that referral. The purpose of the referral was ever since I had that case of hemorrhoids, I had developed some issue in that I had a seepage of some type of liquid from my anus. At one point I had to change my undergarments approximately 5 to 10 times a day.
    I went in to see the GI Doctor months later, they sent me home with medication for hemorrhoids, even though I no longer had them. I was told flatly, by the GI Doctor he “had no idea why my bowels were leaking and that I would have to learn somehow to live with it”. I was also prescribed something for the Cramps in my insides, it worked for the cramps but the bloating and the diarrhea was still a significant symptom. The diarrhea to this day is still treated with the Loperamide. It is still not under control.
    A few years back, I found out my PCP was retiring, and that I was supposed to be assigned to a new PCP. I was unable to see a Doctor for a couple of years due to not having one. I was still able to receive my medication because different Doctors would issue the prescriptions.
    I was finally assigned to my current PCP; I was given an appointment to meet with her, after an initial consultation in which I told her everything. The joints, the back, the shoulders, everything. She mentioned that there was another push to cancel and stop all pain medication prescriptions. I asked about my issues and I was assured that we were going to explore alternate therapies, we were going to have MRI’s, we were going to find and treat my issues. A year later, we have done nothing of note. We tried creams, Tinge Units, Muscle Relaxants. Nothing seems to work. The only thing that has been done, that is the gradual reduction of my Pain Medication. So against my wishes. I am being forced to stop taking them. There is nothing being done to find and treat the cause of the pain that I suffer from every day.
    I have noticed the more I think about the unilateral stripping away of my health care, I am starting to suffer again from depression and anxiety, something I thought I would never have to worry about again.
    I feel like, We are being discarded, We are being told “Whatever is wrong with you, We NO LONGER CARE”. We just want you to be quiet and just die. Disappear into oblivion, so you will no longer be a burden.
    I am so scared when I think about the Veterans that will succumb to their darkest thoughts. They will have 2 avenues in front of them. Resort to Illicit or Illegal Drugs, or End their suffering altogether.
    After 14 years of a treatment program, That has been proven to work. I am being told, “It is no longer an acceptable treatment program”. I thought it was my health care. I thought It was about my quality of life. I thought it was the Promise I was told decades ago, “We will take care of you, since you were there when we wanted you”.

  4. Life is so hard – every minute of every day is so painful. I am 54 and have had horrible pain for 24 years due to Ankylosing Spondylitis. I would absolutely live a normal life if I had pain medication stronger than Tramadol, but my PM doctor works for a large medical group and won’t/can’t prescribe the medication I need to live a semi-normal life. I’m actually jealous of CANCER patients because they have a CHANCE at recovering and they receive as much pain meds as they need. But people like me – we’re nothing. I’ve had more than 130 procedures and two major (failed) fusion surgeries but I can’t get the prescriptions I need to function. Had to leave a great career and move from a home (30 years) because I can’t use stairs. I dread the next 30 or so years of my life – how unfair is that? Beautiful kids, wonderful husband and grandchild and I’m unable to enjoy any of it. I am a good person but I wish horrible things on the people who put these CDC guidelines together. May they live in my body (or other people who are suffering) for the rest of their lives and then see what decisions they (wish) they would have made.

  5. Hello, my name is Gretchen Quinones. I have had chronic back pain since I was 26 years old. I am now 48 1/2. This first time I experienced pain, I had been in a car accident and the airbag caused a Galiazi Fracture-the outside of my wrist was dislocated while the inner portion was fractured. I went through surgery and had it pinned. I was in a cast over 3 months. They gave me the normal beginning dosage of vicoden 5/500. That did NOT work. No matter how I explained my pain, I was never allowed anything stronger. Then the day the pins came out and they had to dig them out…….this was so terrible that as a reaction, I accidently kicked the person removing the pins. I had no idea why I was so sensitive to pain.

    Then, about a year later, my (then) boyfriend and I were at a stand-still in traffic. I looked in the side mirror and along comes a car going over 55 miles per hour! It slammed into us. My (then) boyfriend only had liability insurance. I didn’t understand that I could have gone after the teenager who hit us. I had back pain day and night! I believe I only went to the ER and was given the same dose of vicoden as I stated earlier-for 10 days only. It was then that I learned to live in pain.

    I continued to live in pain, sensitivity to touch, aches and pain as the weather changed. When I was 33 I was finally given the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia-yet there wasn’t anything the doctor was willing to give me for the constant pain. Eventually I was given Lyrica and then Gabapentin-both of which I am highly allergic too!!

    When I turned 36, as I merged onto the freeway, my front right tire twisted in and my car rolled 3 times. My lap belt held but the shoulder strap broke and when I came to my entire upper body was in the back passenger floor bed while my rear was still in the front seat. When I came to I was terrified I would be hit so while it took time, I managed to sit up-people were looking everywhere for me because they thought I’d been thrown from the car. I was taken to ER by ambulance. They cleaned me up, did NOT do even an x-ray and gave me 1 dose of fentynal and sent me home!!!!!!! The pain was unbelievable! It took a year but eventually I was sent to a pain management doctor. They did an MRI and they found many permanent injuries to my spine. I had 5 herniated discs, spinal stenosis, osteoporosis and several other injuries that I cannot think of at the moment.

    I am currently on percocet 10/325 and ER Morphine Sulfate 15 mgs. I can tell I need stronger medications, but I am at the limit that my insurance will allow.

    I am so afraid that the state I live in, Arizona, will follow in Oregon’s footsteps! I am a Medicaid patient. I want to do more, but I also take care of my 81 year old father 24/7-and with the pain I am in, this is extremely difficult! If my pain meds are ever taken away, I will no longer be able to help him and this terrifies he and I both!

    While I have very little extra time to give, what can I do to help everyone in pain?

  6. Wow I thought my problems were bad, which they are but after reading some of your situation s I feel I’ve actually had the blessing of a great pain management doc for many years, until now with the new guidelines, I’m going through the same hell as all of you.
    Was emancipated at 15,never had any formal education. After working crappy jobs for many yrs, from age 16, I did vocational schools for a few different skills? Turned out due to allergies of gels, fiberglass and skin care products that this wasn’t going to work. I’m the meantime I did what I could to survive. Roofing, bartending, mostly labor jobs which all took their toll over the years. When my son got older he liked water craft and off roading, dirt bikes, go carts, jet skis, etc. I found I liked the same things so of course we went out whenever we could. By this time I had gotten some grants and student loans and recvd. A certified medical assistance diploma and My stay license. I had already had many incidents of calls and accidents before I got into working for orthopaedic surgeons, a very delay career. I had fallen down steps, slid down a stake case on my rump. Rope swing broke and got me a fractured pelvis, wrist, etc. Anyway, needless to say I have had many instances thru life, too many to list that have caused me injuries and pain. About 1991, still in my 20’s i started getting back pain that was really affecting me. Stayed on track building a career and making good money,I only had to take a few pain pills once in a while. My bosses even helped me at times knowing I was busting my but for them and all of us there had back issues. The others had all been there many years so they tended to disappear when we had patients or the hardest docs to work for. This went on about 4 yrs when while visiting my gun i told him of my back pain. After exams I was told large fibroids were pushing on my spine causing the pain. He recommended I have my uterus removed but keep ovaries. When I woke from surgery I was screaming in pain. The nurse said she had the pca, patient controlled anesthesia was wide open? They hooked up a second one and that was the beginning, when we all realized I had a high tolerance to opiates, well all meds, I always felt. I still had back pain after the 3days and supposed to go home? I stayed another 2days getting my kidneys chckd. Went home and wound up going back the next day because of coughing blood. Found had a pulmonary embolism. 7 more days and many tests, blood thinner for 6 more months and still had this back pain? We had physical therapy at work so I was using it and doing what the therapist said. Nothing helped and I couldn’t do this amount of back breaking work any longer. I was having to take pain meds more and more to get thru the days and nights! I took off several months trying different remedies. I was hired at a job that was more sedentary but still paid good. After several years I was still having alot of trouble with back and now butt. Got my first MRI and there it was. Long story short I had several different jobs trying to find the right best fit. I also while doing that and in between i saw every therapist, specialist, chiropractor, acupuncture, blocks, etc. I wound up being diagnosed with a tilted pelvis, spodolythesis, degenerative disc disease, five bulging lumbar discs, etc. Couldn’t get a surgeon to touch me due to emboli. I continued to try and work and developed sciatica on the right. Couldn’t lift my leg of drive for almost a year the knots in the buttocks were huge and painful. Year later I got it on the other side. By this time I was paying for treatments out of pocket that ins. Didn’t cover. Decided to file for disability. Of course I was denied and there were many other diagnoses listed? Had neuromas in both feet and what they called costo chondritis left ninth rib, painful! I continued to try and get treatment, pain help and appealed disability. No go. I filed again but had to wait for a court date. That was two yrs later. Meantime, I couldn’t keep up insurance with no more income. I went through an indigent program, dealing with prejudice because I wasn’t black. Not being able to get pain relief as I was treated as an addict or abuser, made to go to pain mgmt classes and have more blocks, spinal, before I could get the minimum of meds and they were the small time opiates, 5-10 mgs. Also was paying cash for them. I dealt with that for about a year until someone told me about a pain doc they went to for about a hundred dollars a month, I just had to bring my films, mri’s and records. First doc I saw wound up going into hiding, I think someone died? I was still pretty much taking the lower dose meds but he did give some other stuff for relief. Relaxer, etc. They did tell me the new office , I’m assuming because I was one of the better of legit patients? Their price went way up and that was the end of that. The next doc was always looking up my nose and I couldn’t figure out why and kept asking but he always made a joke about it. Then he wanted me to come to court and vouch or testify for him? I didnt. One more I tried, a woman whom I told one time about some side effects I was having with an anxiety med she prescribed? She said because I wasn’t taking it every day. I asked my long time pharmacist about this and he thought it strange, as did I. I left there. I found an orthopedic surgeon who was doing pain mgmt, had therapy and a research meds program. One of them were for pain meds and I didn’t have to pay anything. They paid me. When I finished that the doc wanted to put me on a time release med, oxycontin. I didn’t want anything to do it and he didn’t want to give meds with the Tylenol in them. said not good for liver? I had tried the oxy thru the mail i think, in the past? I didn’t want to really be on them so I quit and went back to my 10mg, where a nurse came to your house, examined you then you got rd in mail? It took me about 8 months to finally get them out of my system, so of course when I finished the research thing I didn’t want anything to do with that, oxys? Now between him and the next guy I got my court date. After the courts doc examined my records and went in front of the judge, it took less than 30minutes to be determined. I was approved! Yipee, I can get some insurance and see a real doctor again? Not, while I waited for the Medicare I went to one more pain clinic. After the doc got to know me, he kept trying to get me to go back to orthopedic. When I got the Medicare in2005 I went to the ortho who did pain mgmt, took my insurance, had therapy, xrays, etc. Actually I was hurting so bad one night that a friend came and said she was going to take me to her doc and he would take care of me. He waited til after five for me and low and behold it was the same ortho surgeon that did pain mgmt. I started on the oxycontin that night with some breakthrough meds to boot. I felt great, my insurance paid. Everyone I knew, pharmacist, etc. That watched me go through this all these years were happy for me. That was 2005. Remember I started this in the early 90’s. I’ve been with him ever since. I’ve never had a dirty urine. Never short on my counts. That is until this month. He started weaning me off because of the 2019 crap, didn’t want me to go through all of it at once? I was 11 days short on breakthrough meds. He did take care of me, I believe he knew that I was really doing my best and was just coming down too fast, too hard. I’ve been with my husband 33years. He has driven me everywhere, does the shopping, etc. I’ve been talking care of my mother in law for last 7 yrs. She’s 96 with dementia and all that stuff goes with it, dialers full, etc. The last few months I am barely able to care for myself let alone her? My husband can’t go to work, almost 3 months now so no income there? He has to do everything I can’t which is just about everything. We argue all the time due to stress. I used to be in the yard, garden, take dogs out. Now I don’t go outside, not even to the mail box. I love or used to love to read but can’t hardly do that anymore because I can’t concentrate on what I’m reading. I lay in the bed, count it the bed until I can take another pill. Even when I did have sufficient meds, I still always had pain but it was manageable, not anymore. The two yrs I waited for that disability court date, I lost everything. My car, home, savings, 401k, etc. I feel like I have ptsd, that I’m starting way back at the beginning, after all those years of suffering. Now here I go again but now I’m 59 yrs old with alot more pain that is magnified when coming off my meds. The only thing they do for me now is keep me from being violently ill! So now Medicare will pay less to keep us from detoxing but there is no point to life living this way? It’s just not right. Why does the government insist on controlling every single aspect of our lives? All the ppl overdosing I believe are going to pull mills, taking benzodiazepines with pain meds, getting them online or buying from others who go to pain pill mills or get online? The reputable docs don’t just give out meds, I knoe, I suffered many, many years. I went through hell on top of all that. My doc i believe is legit, I’m legit and My of is. So why is my doc doing this? Why is he taking all my meds? I can’t find a law anywhere that says legit chronic pain patients have to be at 200mg or less? It’s not law but a guideline, a recommendation! You are so right. Why are we being penalized? This really sucks giant bill balls! I hate the government for ruining what it took me My whole life of fighting to achieve. Even when I was down I kept fighting. What really is the point anymore? I’m tired of fighting what seems to be a losing battle. No matter how far you claw your way up, the government just knocks you back down. If it weren’t for my family I would’ve ended this already. Maybe they’d be better off not watching me suffer and go through this all over again. We haven’t had a cost of living raise since Obahma took office, now this. What’s next? Can’t buy a house or get a mortgage if you’re under five feet tall? Just as stupid, penalizing ppl for something that is not their fault! Boy I feel better getting that out. Thanks for the ear people. Dang it my butt, etc. Hurts. Pardon my typing, it’s from a tablet, I cannot sit at desk. Probably doesn’t matter cause I probably have to sell it and My computer. CRAP!!!

  7. This is to Sheri owen, who lost her brother, I’m so sorry. About the illicit fentanyl? Right on sister! My brother died of alcohol poisoning so is the government limiting people’s drinks to only two a day? Got to get your drink or alcohol card punched at the grocery or bar? What a bunch of garbage. I personally think that all the pill mills giving all those ppl loads of benzodiazepines with their morphine or hydrocodone? Those are killers, giving ppl 2mg xanax who never ever took it before because they say they have anxiety? Go to sleep, never wake up? Loved your post. Tee p.

  8. After several years of being able to be comfortable and have a bit of quality of life since spinal injuries in 2000 , a vascular necrosis in 2007 and a brain tumor,,,, the CDC steps in along with the DEA , now my pain management doctor is cutting everyone down off their meds due to he feels the need so he can keep practicing medicine without the scrutiny of the government or having his license taken ,he told me that government and insurance companies have no business telling him how to manage his patients . it is a terrible thing for those of us who doesn’t take our meds to get high we take to be able to function.. doesn’t matter that we have all of the the proper documentation ( MRI’s) .. it’s the most inhumane thing … suicide is rising due to people being taken off their medication.. it’s all a ploy by the government to give the cartels the lead.. they just want to kill off the sick and disabled.. what bothers me also are subutex clinics popping up all over in the area I live .. it is ridiculous..

  9. Hello. I’ve been wrestling with chronic pelvic pain for 18 years. Fun, fun! During that time, with the help of pain meds, I managed to live a very productive life: raised and homeschooled two kids with my wife, start and ran a publishing company, ran a tutoring business. Now, with the cutbacks, I have become much less productive, more worried, more depressed, and now with the insanity of the 90 mme threat, I’m scared for my life. Thanks CDC! Thanks media hysteria! Something needs to change. Thanks (for real) to Don’tPunishPain. The world needs fighters, and this is the time to fight and to NOT go gentle into that good night. So let’s all get up and rage, rage against the dying of the light. I’ve also written a series of poems about my pain, what it’s like to have this f-g pain, what it feels like, physically and emotionally, and I’m wondering if that might be useful for conveying to the public what the experience is like. I feel like the poems have a weird way of getting that across.

  10. I have bin in pain management for 8 years now I need to shoulder replacements and no dr will do it because iam
    To young also have fibromyalgia a bad neck and knee issues do to a car accident I applied for disability and received it the first time myself at age 33 no issues if one can’t move there arms what kind of work can they do I don’t drink I don’t abuse my drugs iam a mother of 2 kids and I need my
    Meds to function like a normal person life is painful every day I have good days and bad days but without my meds which took
    Year to get the dose right now iam being told by the government that I can’t have them because other people abuse them I do everything right have had the same drs for years and because my
    Number is 235 the state say my
    Number has to be 99 if this law
    Passes there are going to be more deaths and more abuse this will ruin my everyday life and my kids life’s because I need my
    Meds to do the extra stuff with my
    Children it’s a share the world is coming to this because other people abuse them why can’t they grandfather in the people who are on meds it’s just sad that people who need them
    Can’t have them
    Now do
    I have to move to another state to live a normal
    Life? Please help us who are in real pain now my
    Dr tells
    To try
    To deside what meds will left me the most come Jan even my
    Call 2 I can’t have that also help I don’t take over
    Amounts because my
    Long acting work just as well

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