Share Your Pain Story

Tell your story of living with chronic pain, by leaving a reply at the bottom of the page. Do not mention specific medications or dosages. Stories do not appear right away.

1,000 Replies to “Share Your Pain Story”

  1. 3 lower back surgeries and have cervical mylopathy in my neck with degenerative disk disease also the nerves are pinched. Had surgery on neck in 2015 now it has moved to the next vertebraes. Also had 3 staph infections operations because of the surgeries. In pain from a 5-9 everyday. Pain meds help but not a lot. I see my doctor every 3 months for refills, but he keeps suggesting I stop them.

  2. I’m 61 years old. I have had 3 lower back surgeries and have cervical mylopathy in my neck with degenerative disk disease also the nerves are pinched. Had surgery on neck in 2015 now it has moved to the next vertebraes. Also had 3 staph infections operations because of the surgeries. In pain from a 5-9 everyday. Pain meds help but not a lot. I see my doctor every 3 months for refills, but he keeps suggesting I stop them.

  3. I think it is a shame people can’t get the medical help they need. The pain clinics are pushing all these injections a little to far. At times they can make your condition a lot worse. Sure ice,heat& therpy may help but when it takes every minute of your time to do all of this what’s left for living. I can see the doctors having a problem with other pain meds. I can’t imagine anyone abusing opoid meds. This has to be a joke. I feel for anyone that has to put up this.

  4. My name is Betty*, I Live in Wisconsin. My chronic pain story begins in March of 1990 when I awoke unable to open my mouth and in severe jaw pain. Four jaw surgeries later including bilateral open joint jaw discectomy, In 1993 I was in a MVA with my children, we were broadsided by a teenager on a rural country road three days before Christmas. I was unconscious for an unknown amount of time, suffered from a TBI, skull fracture and severe neck trauma, the greatest tragedy was losing my beautiful 8 year old daughter. After the MVA I was in 24/7 pain and have been since. I now have osteoarthritis literally from my toes, both knees, my left hip, severe in my neck, upper arms and in my TMJ space. In 2006 I suddenly on a beautiful summer day became very ill, started projectile vomiting which by the next day I was not able to hardly walk. After calling an Ambo-van to take me to the ER/I was admitted with severe gastrointestinal hemorrhage. I was in the hospital for a week as they found bleeding ulcers, a WBC of 20,000, severe abdominal pain and a 100% blockage of the pyloric sphincter muscle. FF to November of 2007 I had to have 3/4 gastrectomy done, Why???? Because of the overprescribing of NSAIDS. In 2012 I fractured my right wrist after losing consciousness following a fall. In 2017 I could no longer walk as I was in SEVERE pain in my right hip ALL the time, could not sleep either. Desperate for any relief I had a total hip replacement. They sent me home the following day. The next evening I fell at home and obtained a femur fracture. Another surgery to repair the fractured femur and a week in
    the hospital. I was home 7 days and was doing pretty good until I fell again. I landed on my carpeted floor but my phone went flying out of reach. I was found 3 hours later by a family member. I was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital. Unbelievable but the hip replacement had popped out of joint and this time I had two more femur fractures above and below the repaired femur fracture. 5 more units of blood and a 5 hour surgery the following day to repair it. A week later I finally went home WITHOUT any pain medication other then tylenol. Unbelievable!!!
    The pain clinic I had been going to closed on November 2017. Since that time my quality of life has been nonexistent. I never abused or sold my medications but I cannot bear to be treated like a addict when all I want to do is have “Quality of Life”!!!! I used to do my own shopping, cooking, laundry, do things with my son and grandchildren. Now I am forced to exist, unable to barely walk, cannot shop, clean, cook, go anywhere because the small amount of medication I was on is no longer available. Sometimes I feel that the worst of it is that I cannot sleep, maybe one to three hours per day. I have PTSD, Nightmares, chronic insomnia along with the pain. The meds I was on for 28 years to allow me some rest have been ripped away because my physician moved. I wish there was someone somewhere would help me. Thank you for listening. You are not alone!!

    * Betty is a anonymous name

  5. Hey my name is Patricia Kendrick an I have fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease I done have neck surgery and I’m going to have lumbar surgery on September 27 and the doctor that I was seeing was careless with the people’s drug test and it made me lose my pain meds and it’s was not right for them to be careless and it my word agains their word for leaving the drug of other people and not get them out for the next people to do there drug test they let 4 or 5 at a time or more and someone can be dirty an they can steal someone drug test an I should know it happen to me and now I suffer in pain

  6. An auto accident when I was 16 years old did a lot of damage to my spine. Now, I am 65, have had 3 spine fusions and live in pain. To force me off of these pain pills was a criminal act. I NEVER abused the pills and never did anything illegal with them. In fact my doctor complimented me of the management of them.
    PLEASE let me have them so I can do normal things, like mow my yard, do laundry and house cleaning without severe pain.
    Where is the compassion that the medical profession has sworn an oath to?
    I cannot heal like a younger person can.

  7. Hi. I have lived with chronic pain since childhood. I really don’t have any memory of not having pain. My mother took me to doctor after doctor. They said it was growing pains. I am 5′. I did not grow enough to have this much pain. Early on I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. This was at a time everyone thought it was a bogus thing. Not until my 30’s did I find a pain clinic. For about eight years I had a pain management regiment that would at least help me walk and not take my own life. One day I get called in and they say my blood work was devoid of all meds. Now I take many meds, and they said none were in my system. My husband was there. He explained that he gave them to me daily that there was a mistake. I told them I was going to investigate because either they or the lab made a mistake. Now keep in mind for all those years I passed every test and pill count. They right then dropped me and I walked out without meds. They cut me off fetalin and norco just like that. The withdraw was terrible. I have tried other doctors but they look at me like I’m a drug addict looking for pills. I don’t get how if something helps so you can at least find a few moments of relief why I have to do without because of others actions. I get tired of being made to feel as if I am a bad person because I have a disorder.

  8. I have been in pain mgm for 13 years when out of the blue my meds were cut 150 to 60 iv been through a very hard time tryn to deal with this i went from being up all day like everyone else to spending more time in bed than being out when i got in pain mgm i was at a breaking point no life the pain was unbearable due to a head on collision with a drunk driver at over 100 mile per hour dr tried to get me to get disability in1989 but i worked untill 2006 and it took till 2010 to get disability my dr at pmgm got me on a plan and it made my life able to where i had my life back im raising my 15 year old son alone but since the goverment put the limit on certain meds im back where i started at this is just wrong to do this to any humanbeing im 58 years old i didnt do this to myself but because someone got drunk and hit me my life has been altered
    1n 13 years i never asked my dr to increase my meds or change them he said that it doesnt happen often it was working i did nothing to deserve this

  9. My boyfriend of 18 years was involved in mv accident at 21yrs old. He’s now 45. He broke his neck and back and had a head injury. Coma for 3 weeks also.3 surgeries later and only his neck fused correctly. He went through all non narcotic routes. Ended up with meningitis from nerve blocks. He was on everything from fentanyl patches to OxyContin. He didn’t like the way the meds made him feel dopey. Then he was put on was he doing great. Clear headed and out of pain. He’s been on that for years. For the last 7-8 years he’s been on same dose daily. From same Doctor. His Dr said he was going to cut his dose to one fifth, regardless of pain or quality of life. He said that wasn’t fair. They then referred him to an addictionologist /Suboxone Clinic. The next month his normal Dr sent him to his nurse practitioner, so now instead of 10mg taper a month they’re going to taper 30mg a month. That’s barbaric and just plain torture. If he complains it’s off to the detox Center. All this is happening to all of you and all your prescriptions aren’t supposed to be included in new laws. What is going on? This has to stop. The best part is the new Dr said and I quote”I’m not going to lose my house for you”apparently that’s the reason my bf is going to be tortured.SMH.

  10. I was diagnosed in 2014, but had suffered symptoms for at least 10 years before with my body was attacking all my organs with multiple surgeries as a kid to a hysterectomy at the age of 39. I was told by my family Doctor that I was just unlucky. He finally couldn’t ignor my symptoms and sent me to a Rheumatologist assuming all I had was Fibromyalgia, we were both shocked to find out that I have a very rare genetic arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis which causes my spine to fuse and my pelvis to thicken along with other extremities to swell and cause painful movement, and we learned that my imflamitory markers were tripled what they should have been. After diagnosis I was put on several meds and a biologic. We tried many meds including therapy and muscle relaxers and steroid injections to anti inflammatory meds. All treatment protocols were tried to no avail, I was finally sent to a pain specialist. I was put on pain medication to manage my severe pain and it did help, so I continued to take them for the last two years.Recently my biological that I had been on for the last several years stopped working, and I was put on a different biologic. Fast forward to the CDC guidelines, which were only meant to give guidance to general practitioners to be careful prescribing to new patients, the blowback toward stable pain patients began due to overdose deaths caused by illicit (illegal) heroin laced with carfentanil sold on the streets or online.

    To be clear the drug problem is due to those who are NOT treating pain, but use to escape from life. It is not fueled by legal prescriptions to treat pain!

    Due to anti-opioid zealots of PROP and politicians using the illicit opioid epidemic to get reelected, we have been the casualty of this misinformation media campaign.

    We are protesting the inhumane CDC 90 mme prescribing guidelines, which is causing inhumane pain and suffering.
    Chronic pain patients are loosing their quality of life. And in many sad cases, people are choosing to end their lives, because of undertreated pain.

    Doctors are afraid to prescribe, for fear of prosecution, insurance companies forcing tapers, and our US Veterans that have been cut off completely due to these guidelines. Pharmacies are turning people away, due to shortages, forced by the DEA.

    We are holding rallies across the nation, and all the information can be found on this website.
    Please share with your friends and families. Thank you! ”

    **Please join: “Don’t Punish Pain Rally” (fb group) (Nationwide)

    ***Even if people aren’t on facebook, they can find out about a rally near them, by going to this website:

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