RSVP Counts by Rally

Live RSVP counts for upcoming rallies
ST State CityTotalYesMaybeNo
AR Arkansas Little Rock5140110
MA Massachusetts Brandeis5500
MD Maryland Annapolis161501
MI Michigan Detroit6420
OR Oregon Portland2020
VA Virginia Richmond1100
Current RSVPs-81, Yes-65 (80%), Maybe-15 (19%), No-1 (1%)

<!--Update February 22, 2020: Temporarily under repair. Please check again tomorrow.
Organizers please log in to see RSVPs.

State FB Groups

DPP Rally PageFlagFB Group
AlabamaState Flag of AlabamaAlabama Don't Punish Pain Rally
AlaskaState Flag of Alaska
ArizonaState Flag of Arizona
ArkansasState Flag of Arkansas
CaliforniaState Flag of California
ColoradoState Flag of Colorado
ConnecticutState Flag of Connecticut
DelawareState Flag of Delaware
FloridaState Flag of Florida
GeorgiaState Flag of Georgia
HawaiiState Flag of Hawaii
IdahoState Flag of Idaho
IllinoisState Flag of Illinois
IndianaState Flag of Indiana
IowaState Flag of Iowa
KansasState Flag of Kansas
KentuckyState Flag of Kentucky
LouisianaState Flag of Louisiana
MaineState Flag of Maine
MarylandState Flag of Maryland
MassachusettsState Flag of Massachusetts
MichiganState Flag of Michigan
MinnesotaState Flag of Minnesota
MississippiState Flag of Mississippi
MissouriState Flag of Missouri
MontanaState Flag of Montana
NebraskaState Flag of Nebraska
NevadaState Flag of Nevada
New HampshireState Flag of New Hampshire
New JerseyState Flag of New Jersey
New MexicoState Flag of New Mexico
New YorkState Flag of New York
North CarolinaState Flag of North Carolina
North DakotaState Flag of North Dakota
OhioState Flag of Ohio
OklahomaState Flag of Oklahoma
OregonState Flag of Oregon
PennsylvaniaState Flag of Pennsylvania
Rhode IslandState Flag of Rhode Island
South CarolinaState Flag of South Carolina
South DakotaState Flag of South Dakota
TennesseeState Flag of Tennessee
TexasState Flag of Texas
UtahState Flag of Utah
VermontState Flag of Vermont
VirginiaState Flag of Virginia
WashingtonState Flag of Washington
West VirginiaState Flag of West Virginia
WisconsinState Flag of Wisconsin
WyomingState Flag of Wyoming
District of ColumbiaFlag of District of Columbia
CanadaFlag of Canada
AustraliaFlag of Australia
United KingdomFlag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom Don't Punish Pain Rally

Switch to clickable map of USA.

60 Minutes

From Claudia: While I was moving my daughter into the dorm this weekend, I met an assistant to a 60 Minutes producer.

I had a totebag with the Don’t Punish Pain Rally logo on it and they inquired what it was. I explained.

They said if 60 Minutes receives over 500 comments, then a story will be pitched.

I’ve received many messages about this so I hope this clarifies your questions. I’ve attached the phone number, the email where you can share your Chronic Pain stories. I would encourage doctors to do the same.

Thank you!!

Contact 60 Minutes
Click to see the web page for ‘Contact 60 Minutes’

60 Minutes
524 West 57th St.
New York, NY 10019
PHONE: (212) 975-3247

Claudia's DPPR Tote Bag
cmerandi: My new bag!!

Editor’s note: Please also post your pain story at where it will be stored and shared.

DPP Rally Talk Show with Claudia

The YouTube channel is at

The show is every Sunday at 6pm Eastern Standard Time.

Or you can listen through the website at Click on “Listen Live!” and press play. The stream goes live at 6pm EST, but it does nothing when the show is not on the air.

If you want to call in, keep it on topic of the show. We will be taking calls during the second half of the show. The number is 415-403-2715.